I’m loving all the little utility libraries coming out (and appreciate the 
write ups on how things are done).

I’m curious why you chose to use ffi for this one in particular as it would 
seem to be quite straightforward to do it all in native Smalltalk (not to down 
play your integration in any way of course). Was performance a big thing? Or 
was it simply relying on others to keep it up to date?


Sent from my iPhone
> On 1 Jan 2020, at 10:40, Pierce Ng <pie...@samadhiweb.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've published Phoedown, an FFI to hoedown, the standards compliant, fast, 
> secure Markdown
> processing library written in C. 
> - https://github.com/PierceNg/Phoedown
> - https://github.com/hoedown/hoedown
> A simple example:
>    | md |
>    md := (FileSystem memory / 'somefile.md')
>        writeStreamDo: [ :ws |
>            ws nextPutAll: 
>    '
>     ```smalltalk
>    Transcript show: ''Happy New Year!''; cr
>     ```
>    ' ];
>        contents.
>    HdHtmlRenderer new
>        setMarkdownExtension: HdMarkdownExtensions FencedCode;
>        setMarkdownExtension: HdMarkdownExtensions NoIntraEmphasis;
>        render: md
> This is the output:
>    <pre><code class="language-smalltalk">Transcript show: &#39;Happy New 
> Year!&#39;; cr
>    </code></pre>
> Pierce

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