first of all, have a wonderful 2020..
sorry for jumping in, I'm not a contributor to Pharo,  and actually never a
user of it ( when I work in Smalltalk, I use VW mostly, and still need to
find  the time to try Pharo seriously), but I do work in Smalltalk (and
Pharo is a dialect of) from early 80'... and , as for many of you,
Smalltalk is not the only language I use (I wish it was the most used, but
not the only one, because one tool is not enough).
Well, the idea that all should be done in Smalltalk seems to me something
that us as a community have had as a goal from day one, but, are us sure
it's not something that reduce the power of Smalltalk instead of allowing
broader adoption?

   - First, there are lots of libraries and tools already well written,
   maintained and with full documentation. Why to reinvent the wheels if we
   can integrate them seamlessly?
   - Second: Smalltalk is not the fastest language out there, there are
   works that are not to be developed in Smalltalk. If we develop in Smalltalk
   something very CPU intensive we just made bad advertising for the language.

Smalltalk is at is  best for modelling difficult problems. Look at Python,
it's very popular between  Data Scientist, but it just expose in a nice way
an interface to Macchine Learning libraries, For example TensorFlow has a
lot of optimised c++ code inside. Python made easy to interface with C like
languages, and it has good modelling capabilities, so it was chosen.  But
Smalltalk is better on the latter, this is a campground we should dominate,
instead we are absent. And Pharo, being open source, could have been a good
player in this field.
If we spend our time to reinvent the wheel  we can't get to far ..
Look at Node.js, you can find libraries for connecting everything, people
doesn't rewrote everything in JS/ So if you work in Node, you are fast at
building stuff not because of the power of the language, but because to the
libraries you can pick from the shelf and use.

So I think a wonderful and easy integration framework is time better spent
that redoing something already well done on other languages. Object are for
reuse, but we try to rebuild...
And on top of the framework, lot of smalltalk classes for an easy usage of
the outside work already done.
Obviously, all I said is not valid if Smalltalk is considered only an
experimental language or a playground, but this was, and probably still is,
the place for Squeak.  If I remember well, Pharo was born for industrial
grade application...

Sorry for this rant, but I liked Smalltalk from day one, the day I read the
famous Byte's  article, and  still try to understand why it's not the
number one language, but I think we, as a community, did a lot on the wrong
BTW: I still like Smalltalk a lot and really appreciate the work done by
all of the Smalltalk communities.

again, have a wonderful year


On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 4:55 PM Ramon Leon <ramon.l...@allresnet.com> wrote:

> On 2020-01-02 10:56 a.m., Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> > While I dream of a world where everything is in-image as pure Smalltalk,
> > given the reality of limited manpower, I think of outside library use as
> a
> > way to "cheat" and get a lot more from that limited engineering resource.
> Agree, I've used the original Markdown.pl implementation for years same as
> I would any other shell script, via OSProcess
> markdown: someContent
>   ^UnixProcess pipeString: someContent throughCommand: (FileDirectory
> default fullPathFor: 'Markdown.pl')
> Never saw a need to rewrite what already works in its original form.
> --
> Ramón León
> VP of Technology
> Alliance Reservations Network

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