Hmm, just where are these prof stef Gedankenexperiments :-? I didn't see 'em
in the syntax tutorial proper.

Thx for the tiny-is-beautiful article. I didn't have any moment of satori,
but am happy to have found a prolific author (in addition to

About not feeling extra-illuminated ... perhaps it comes from my stance that
once one lays down the ground rules that everything is an object, and that
objects inherit, and get work done by doing it themselves or by delegating
it, then, say, much of Boolean's implementation shakes out of that, no?
(that's rhetorical)

For me the value in the pharo Boolean implementation is notsomuch who passes
the buck and who ultimately does what, but the synergy among objects and
methods that get all this done.

(BTW I'll bet the fait accompli synergy we see in today's source didn't
start out that way -- there were likely many prosaic versions along the way
to getting there, if not on paper then in somebody's mind. Often I find that
process MUCH more valuable than the spit-and-polish of a finished product.)

Recursion often has me laugh because it seems "nobody does any work" -- dang
near everything is delegated elsewhere, and it's just a few base cases that
actually do any heavy lifting. I'm being facetious, of course.

To me interconnected object systems are often like that, and multiplied many
times over -- any bit of work is delegated here, there, everywhere ... and
(for me) this federated work disperses logic and makes it less immediately

There's definitely gee-whiz appeal to the synergy of a multitude of objects
in a loosely-coupled system, and IMO that appeal is valuable (which echoes
the ethos of the tiny/beautiful article), but ... anyway, yeah, part of my
reason for this foray into smalltalk is to see how that side lives.

TLDR: the above is just my thinking out loud, possibly for a future-me to
find; i have no questions; pls ignore :-)

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