On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 08:20:48PM +0100, Roland Plüss via Pharo-users wrote:
> The first mode is the "runtime mode". This would be the mode used for
> the released products and does not allow to "directly modify" the image.
> This mode would only require basic set of classes (frameworks) since the
> game engine provides a large set of functionality in the module layer so
> the script layer provides the logic, UI and things like that. This image
> would not require to be enriched with a lot of things.

This is doable currently. The Pharo image is embedded into the
executable and used in read-only mode. Although personally I'd implement
as much of the app logic in Pharo as possible simply because of the high

> The second mode is the "development mode". For this one I thought about
> exposing a Pharo VM image acting as the Coding and Debugging IDE. Here I
> would opt to expose the full power of Pharo/Smalltalk to the developer.

I envisage doing this via some kind of data exchange between the host
program and Pharo, which seems doable for both the embedded and 'over the
wire' development cases.

Pablo recently published an example of embedding a headless-but-GUI
Pharo image inside a C program via the Windows resource mechanism. As it
happens, I have just implemented the same example that works on Linux
and MacOS from one source code. Didn't test on Windows, but I'm sure
it'll work there too. In a day or two I will publish the code and blog

Attached teaser screenshot. :-)


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