On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 10:09:33AM +0100, teso...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi, we are working on the tools required to have embedded Pharo in
> different solutions.

Hi Pablo,

Your published example embed the image as a Windows resource. Well, the
excellent and, like Smalltalk, vastly underrated Free Pascal has
built-in cross platform support for Windows resources.  Basically I have
implemented in Pascal the simplest FFI to libPharoVMCore and the
embedded image access routines for callback by libPharoVMCore, together
with a driver program which is pretty much a straight port of your C

Pascal also produces static and dynamic libraries. My embedded image
access code can be packaged as such, which makes it accessible from
other languages.

> My idea is to implement an API to communicate to the image, I was
> thinking more in an API similar to Objective-C Bridge or COM objects.
> Still I am not sure how to design the API or the way to integrate it.
> Today, I am thinking about not having to much marsharlling of Pharo
> Objects to external objects, I am thinking to use a similar strategy
> like the used with FFI.

I am more thinking about marshaling, using say MessagePack. For 'over
the wire' development, maybe MessagePack RPC between headful Pharo and
the to-be-host program. For embedded, some means to pass MessagePack
structures back and forth.


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