Hello All


I am using Pharo (currently P7, moving to P8) under Windows 10. I have MS
Office 365 on my system, and use it regularly for non-Smalltalk tasks. It
would be very convenient if I could issue commands to MS Office components
from within Pharo. My current interest is to manage my incoming e-mails in
Outlook, but I can see many other applications. I have a recollection of
seeing a reference to automation of Excel to transfer data both ways, but I
cannot recall where. I have searched the catalog, but could not see anything
that looked relevant. I have also read the uFFI booklet, but again no luck.
Could anyone point me to any information or examples of such control,
please? It would not have to be Outlook, though that is my main interest;
given examples for other Office components, I should be able to follow the




Peter Kenny

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