Tomaz, that was my understanding from the VBA piece you cited yesterday. So 
presumably it must be something in Pharo-Com which imposes the limits we have 
seen. I am OK at the moment, because all this work is just an exploration of 
possibilities; I can wait until you and Pablo have sorted it out. But from the 
results of your tests, a maximum of 16K in 64-bit systems must be a serious 
limitation, so something in Pharo-Com needs fixing.


For my immediate work, I shall continue exporting the full text using 
MailItem.SaveAs; my further processing uses files I have exported manually in 
this way, so it’s not a problem.




Peter Kenny


From: Pharo-users <> On Behalf Of Tomaž Turk
Sent: 08 April 2020 07:58
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Automation of MS Office from Pharo


Thanks, Stephane, for the acknowledgement. Peter, as I understand, the limits 
in COM BSTR data type are defined by the header's length prefix (which is 4 
bytes) and software implementatios - for instance, string data type in Visual 
Basic for Applications is described as "a variable-length string can contain up 
to approximately 2 billion (2^31) characters", which is in line with the BSTR 
header. I'm not sure if the OS architecture (32 and 64 bit) influences these 


Best wishes,




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