On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 9:30 AM Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

> Op 27-4-2020 om 18:28 schreef Richard Sargent:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 1:56 AM Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <
> pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have to test the server which should return the string but then in
>> uppercase.
>> So far I have this :
>> https://github.com/RoelofWobben/Network-simulator/blob/master/src/NetworkSimulator-Tests/KANetworkTest.class.st#L79
>> but I fail to see how I can test that the package sending back is a
>> uppercase string.
> I think you need to rephrase this question. Either the String class
> hierarchy has a method named something like #isUppercase or Character does.
> If only Character has it, you would need to iterate over the received
> string testing each individual character.
> Or is your question more about getting the response back to the sending
> node?
> yep, I want to test if the response back to the sending node is the same
> string as the sending node is but then all uppercased.

Assuming you have the code written that sends a request packet to a server,
then makes the server process it and send a response packet back to the
original node, the following pseudo-code should show you one way.

| requestPacket responsePacket |
requestPacket := ...
... send the request and get a response back ...
responsePacket := self sendingNode nextReceivedPacket.

self assert: responsePacket payload isUppercase description: 'Response
should have been uppercase'.
self assert: (requestPacket payload equals: responsePacket payload
ignoreCase: true) description: 'Response is not the same string'.

Those methods probably exist in Pharo, or something very similar. e.g. it
might be #equalsIgnoreCase:.

> Roelof

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