Hi Offray,

I think you're addressing many of the same concerns as I am, with more of a
web/browser orientation perhaps...

Which is good.  Pharo can make nice, interactive web sites as well as nice,
interactive documents, can it not?

>  I think that we still can make a compelling case for wider audiences 
> about Pharo and making it more visible.

I agree!  What do the 'wider audiences' need?  What will attract their
attention?  Being visible is necessary, but is it sufficient?  How can we
make them want to learn this new tool?  (Everyone is so strained for time,
and attention is hard to come by these days...)

> agility and resilience are not properties of the
> overcomplicated web of today

So, so true... 

> .. making suggestions and helping us to improve the software 
> engineering parts behind such problems/projects,

I am also interested in contributing to that.  Better tools & methods for
solving the problems, better documentation to further understanding and
engagement, and better ways for users to employ the results.

> I greatly appreciate the experience and teachings of this community.

As do I.  


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