I really like this idea of a minimal Linux distro that runs a minimal
Pharo image that can be changed on demand according to different needs.
It reminds me about some customized Linux distros I made in early
2000's, one called Scilix to package math packages for my undergrad
students and after that, "Tangram Linux", which embraced the modular
approach even more not only in its rebranding but mostly in its
community dynamics to build modules (we used Morphix Linux at that time
and FUSE file systems to package the modules and I even thought in using
Puppy Linux as Debian/Ubuntu based ones became bigger).

Running a modular Gnu/Linux with a modular Pharo suited for different
devices could be really empowering, particularly in these pandemic times
and the forecast of credible sources about having intermittent
quarantines until 2024.

Looking for connections between Pharo powered hardware and software, our
approach here for the midterm under pandemic, has been re-enabling web
publishing via IndieWeb[1], because I think that web presence will
become more a more important as intermittent quarantine and physical
("social") distance stay with us. We want to empower solo merchants,
small business, learners and educators to own their web presence and use
it to connect better in times of forced distancing. We have not
addressed the hardware part and I would bet for a mobile first approach
using bots in popular chat networks like Telegram and smaller ones like
Scuttlebutt[2] and Retroshare[3]. Its a pretty organic process run on a
voluntary basis, so we value process over product and go without any
rush. But seeing this hardware front makes me think about Raspad [4],
Rasberry, recycled hardware and other low end devices as a practical
approach for a more ubiquitous Pharo powered computing (and a wink to
the Dynabook).

[1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/
[2] https://scuttlebutt.nz/
[3] https://retroshare.cc/
[4] https://raspad.sunfounder.com/

Keep us updated on their experiments Ted. They seem pretty interesting.



Ps: On the Pharo 9.x front, once GT, Glamour and Spec1 are out, there
will be something like the Playground with faceted exploring supported,
like what we have now on Pharo 8.x?

On 8/09/20 5:33 a. m., Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> I love it. 
> Now imagine with our specialised kernel or shrunk down version…
> We are preparing to 
> - remove a lot of code from Pharo 90 (spec1, eye inspector, GT, Glamour….)
> - but also to give the possibility to load on demand projects that we
> are integrating and TESTING
> - Microdown
> - Roassal 30. 
> S
>> On 8 Sep 2020, at 03:22, tbrunz <wild.id...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:wild.id...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> This is running 32-bit Pharo 80 on 32-bit TinyCore 11.1 (Linux kernel
>> 5.4.3).
>> There is a 64-bit version of TinyCore, which I plan to test next...
>> Then test 64-bit Pharo 80 and try Pharo Launcher on top of that.
>> Then on a Raspberry Pi...
>> Here's what's intriguing about this:  
>> TinyCore Linux is SUPER tiny -- 11MB for the headless 'Core' version, and
>> 16MB for a FLTK/FLWM desktop.  (Many different desktops are
>> available.)  The
>> 'CorePlus' version (which I'm booted on) is still only 106MB; it supports
>> Wifi & comes with installation tools & a variety of DEs to pick from.
>> With TinyCore, you "build it the way you like it", by adding just the
>> packages you want in your Linux image.  With a stripped-down
>> implementation,
>> it's around the same size as the Pharo VM!
>> Which makes TinyCore basically "a snap-on HAL module for the Pharo
>> VM" that
>> gives you what amounts to bare-metal operation -- and it can run 100%
>> from
>> RAM (as well as via mounting packages from persistent storage, on a
>> package-by-package basis).
>> You can persist TinyCore on disk, and keep your installed packages ("tce
>> extensions") and your settings & user files persisted separately.  That
>> helps keep the TinyCore OS from being corrupted -- it's much like the
>> '.image' file for Pharo; your changes are kept in a separate file.
>> This opens up the possibility of making tiny/embedded little "appliances"
>> that boot into TC, then auto-launch a Pharo image -- headless or with
>> a UI,
>> all without the burden of launching/maintaining full OS to do so.
>> --
>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
> --------------------------------------------
> Stéphane Ducasse
> http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr / http://www.pharo.org 
> 03 59 35 87 52
> Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
> S. Ducasse - Inria
> 40, avenue Halley, 
> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
> France

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