Hi Sean - this implementation is Leitner, which would be ok for my needs, 
although I don’t quite know how you choose or specify the probabilities that 
are needed for this particularly implementation (and Leitner descriptions don’t 
mention this, but I can see the intent is to give you a random flashcard 
favouring new or unlearned cards and occasionally giving a learned card - but 
I’m not quite sure how you decide what to specify for that… I’m enquiring.

SM-2 always intrigued me… and would be cool to plug that in and compare - but 
was trying to avoid the inevitable rabbit hole and not get the actual task done 
(Which it sounds like you thought too…)


> On 30 Sep 2020, at 16:21, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:
> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>> Hi everyone - strange request, but has anyone implemented a “space based
>> repetition” algorithm in Pharo/Smalltalk?... (possibly SuperMemo SM-2)
> This has been on my TODO for ages and I'd be happy to collaborate. I am
> especially interested in SM-2. I'll check out the repo you mentioned. I had
> also started something basic, but IIRC didn't get far into the algorithm
> yet...
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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