Hi Russ,
Do not scarry of the WorldMenu item. Any tool can appear in the WorldMenu if it 
has a class side method `menuCommandOn:`. Just load the code with the script 
that appears in the README. Look at the classes in the packages and you will 
see that a lot of them are children of SpPresenter. I do not know if my tools 
is a complete example of all Spec framework. But at least it has all the basics 
Let me know if you have any question 🙂 We can talk on Discord too.

From: Russ Whaley <whaley.r...@gmail.com>
Sent: 12 May 2021 12:52
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
Subject: [Pharo-users] Re: Looking for more non-trivial example application 
based on Spec2 to learn from...

Mark & Sebastian,
Sebastian, the link you provided is to a RewriteToolsSet... I don't understand 
how this provides insights into a Spec2 solution? - but admittedly I didn't dig 
too deep - I saw WorldMenu items and went 'woah-stop!', lol.  I'm hoping there 
was another link Mark referenced that perhaps didn't come through my email 
chain  :)

I REALLY want to learn how others use Spec2 in an integrated way 
(interconnected presenters, model refreshes, etc.).  I've written 6 apps in 
Pharo (all with Spec2 GUI) and I still don't feel as if I'm doing things 
correctly.  I can 'get things to work' and I'm pretty pleased with them in 
general, but I usually run up against the same 'refresh' issues, especially 
around notebooks.

Esteban is a wealth of information and has been very helpful for my basic 
understanding - but I can envision him shaking his head at my feeble attempts 
and questions (just kidding Esteban!).

I am VERY interested to review Spec2 code others are successfully using, so I 
can hopefully get past whatever brainblock I have in my Spec2 designs.

... and I would very much like to be involved in a Spec2 

Happy Pharo-ing!
Russ (whalehead on discord)

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 5:32 AM 
<mark.odonoghue.2...@gmail.com<mailto:mark.odonoghue.2...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Tim

Thanks for the suggestion - I’m aware of the alternative of using a web 
application architecture using something like Seaside (and now CodeParadise too 
- thanks).

But I’m more interested at the moment in getting on top of a more traditional 
application for these personal apps I want to build for my desktop PC.

My needs may change of course - and I’m sure will look at doing some web apps 
in the future...

More importantly - YES - it is great to be back in a ST environment again , and 
of course it is still so very very addictive !!

[ Before resuming I spent some time familiarising myself with the mainstream 
tools the industry seems to have adopted in the last 10-20 years. I must say I 
was quite surprised and even disappointed about the complexity, verbosity and 
incomprehensible syntax of some, and the sloppiness (or is it flexibility?) of 
others. I really was not keen to have to pick up one of those again. I had 
somehow hoped or expected that language and environment design would have been 
much slicker and more fully evolved by now…]

Cheers Tim, and thanks for the suggestion…


Russ Whaley

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