you execute on a unix shell

wget -O - <> | 


> On 21 May 2021, at 13:16, David Pennington <> wrote:
> I am sorry but, being a newbie to Pharo, a lot of what you say goes over my 
> head.
> How do I use Zero Conf?
> I have loaded up the latest 9.0 from Pharo launcher. How do I get the <1 VM 
> for that?
> Sorry for being stupid.
> David
> P.S. 31 years a Smalltalker so its just the underlying bits that pass over me 
> - smile.
>> On 19 May 2021, at 08:38, <> wrote:
>> Hi David, 
>>    for M1 we have Pharo 9 compatible VMs, you can download them using Zero 
>> Conf or directly. 
>> For the latest: 
>>   - wget -O - 
>> <> | bash
>>   - 
>> <>
>> For the stable:
>>   - wget -O - <> | bash
>>   - 
>> <>
>> If you are scripting the download I recommend using ZeroConf. 
>> For Pharo 8, we don't have a M1 native version, because Pharo 8 requires 
>> changes in the image to support the newer VMs. We have plans to backport the 
>> changes in the future, now we are putting all efforts in the release of 
>> Pharo 9. However, if the community consider it, we can switch priorities but 
>> it is not magical; we will need to leave something aside. Also, future 
>> versions of the Pharo Launcher will have support for detecting the 
>> architecture.
>> In the meantime, Pharo 8 / 9 can be used without a problem with Rossetta, 
>> although the performance is not ideal.
>> Tell me if you have any problem.
>> Cheers,
>> Pablo
>> On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 3:54 PM David Pennington < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi there. I am currently using v8.0 on a new M1 MacBookAir. When I save the 
>> image I keep getting a message telling me that my VM is too old and to 
>> download a new one. I have looked in my Pharo Launcher but there is no new 
>> one there. What do I do please?
>> David
>> -- 
>> Pablo Tesone.
>> <>

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