Worth saying that while Brew is handy on a mac (and avoid installing it as a 
sudo user) - you shouldn't need it do anything with Pharo either with with the 
launcher (graphical) or via the console (command line).

Its worth checking you have properly read the download instructions on 
pharo.org - for command line it does say use "curl" and "wget if curl not 

For your pharo damaged question - have you tried just creating a fresh 
directory, cd'ing into it and then running the command line instructions for a 
fresh install. You can then make sure sure pharo works correctly command line - 
and if so, this is then possibly a 32 vs 64 bit image difference. You could 
investigate this - or simply create a new image and install your code into it 
as a fresh install - which might be better anyway, while your getting things 

Others may have more tips for you.


On Tue, 15 Jun 2021, at 5:58 PM, Rob Sayers wrote:
> Hi, I can't help with the Pharo specific issue, but for installing brew, you 
> can find the directions here: https://brew.sh/
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 10:16 AM David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone. It is your favourite newbie speaking :-)
>> I have now got a new M1 MacMini which I want to configure up as a server for 
>> my Seaside apps.
>> So far, I have found that the Mac mini doesn’t have wget or brew installed! 
>> I have sorted wget but not brew.
>> Secondly, I have transferred all of my 9.0 stuff across but when I try and 
>> execute both paharo-ui or pharo (as terminal scripts) they both fail as they 
>> say that the “Paharo” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to 
>> the bin.
>> I can open Pharo 9.0 directly but it tells me that the VM is too old for 
>> this image.
>> Can anyone help me please? (In words that I can understand:-)
>> David
> -- 
> Rob Sayers
> www.robsayers.com

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