I transferred both of my images ( 8 and 9) across and put them in the images 
directory of a new Pharo Launcher. I now have 9.0 working on the Mac mini but 
it is still telling me that my VM is out of date. I have opened the VM window 
and updated both the 8 and 9 vm but I still get the message. I am not convinced 
that I have an M1 VM. 

How do I sort this. I am nearly there.

> On 15 Jun 2021, at 18:44, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Worth saying that while Brew is handy on a mac (and avoid installing it as a 
> sudo user) - you shouldn't need it do anything with Pharo either with with 
> the launcher (graphical) or via the console (command line).
> Its worth checking you have properly read the download instructions on 
> pharo.org <http://pharo.org/> - for command line it does say use "curl" and 
> "wget if curl not available".
> For your pharo damaged question - have you tried just creating a fresh 
> directory, cd'ing into it and then running the command line instructions for 
> a fresh install. You can then make sure sure pharo works correctly command 
> line - and if so, this is then possibly a 32 vs 64 bit image difference. You 
> could investigate this - or simply create a new image and install your code 
> into it as a fresh install - which might be better anyway, while your getting 
> things sorted.
> Others may have more tips for you.
> Tim
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2021, at 5:58 PM, Rob Sayers wrote:
>> Hi, I can't help with the Pharo specific issue, but for installing brew, you 
>> can find the directions here: https://brew.sh/ <https://brew.sh/>
>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 10:16 AM David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com 
>> <mailto:da...@totallyobjects.com>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone. It is your favourite newbie speaking :-)
>> I have now got a new M1 MacMini which I want to configure up as a server for 
>> my Seaside apps.
>> So far, I have found that the Mac mini doesn’t have wget or brew installed! 
>> I have sorted wget but not brew.
>> Secondly, I have transferred all of my 9.0 stuff across but when I try and 
>> execute both paharo-ui or pharo (as terminal scripts) they both fail as they 
>> say that the “Paharo” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to 
>> the bin.
>> I can open Pharo 9.0 directly but it tells me that the VM is too old for 
>> this image.
>> Can anyone help me please? (In words that I can understand:-)
>> David
>> -- 
>> Rob Sayers
>> www.robsayers.com <http://www.robsayers.com/>

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