On Fri, Jul 23, 2021, 06:57 Clacton Server <da...@totallyobjects.com> wrote:

> I have been having an enduring problem with Pharo "disappearing" on any
> machine I try it on. In an effort to resolve that it isn't my code, I want
> to remove the Package that contains all my Seaside code so that I can
> install a minimal home page under Seaside. This will, at least exonerate my
> code. However, I have removed the offending package, executed Smalltalk
> cleanUp: true but I can still get into the old code. A debugger comes up
> when I try the old code and it shows
> "AnObsoleteCNWMeetingsGalleries(AnObsoleteCNWBasic)" so the code is still
> there and all the bots that have the address will still be calling it. How
> do I finally remove the code?

I would venture that you previously registered the class as a Seaside
handler/application/whatever and the registry holds the class despite it
being removed from the Smalltalk global dictionary.

If so, you would need to remove it from the registry.

> David Pennington

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