
> On 28 Aug 2021, at 17:47, David Pennington <da...@totallyobjects.com> wrote:
> Hi there. I have installed the new M1 VM that supposedly gives much better 
> information into a log file. However, my image is still disappearing such 
> that it now doesn’t last more than 12 hours before going. I have searched for 
> these log files but I can’t find any. Can anyone help me in this as I am 
> close the throwing this all into the bin if I can’t keep my simple web site 
> going regularly. My clients are not happy, as you can imagine and telling me 
> to just go with a Blogger blog! I don’t want to do that so can anyone help?
> David

We are sorry that you have this problem. Many people have already interacted 
with you via various channels.

Multiple Pharo developers are working on this issue 
(https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/9565) but right now there is no 
immediate solution.

One option would be to go back to Pharo 7 or 8 (it is normally easy to have the 
same code base for Pharo 7, 8 and 9), but then you probably need to move away 
from M1 hardware.

Another option would be to run your application under control of launchd (on 
macOS) os systemd (on Linux). These tools automatically restart your app when 
it goes down. This is something you need for proper production deployment 

In any case we are working on it and will surely let you know if we make 



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