Hi list,

I'm looking for help on doing something VERY un-smalltalkish with
Pharo... let me explain. I am working on several variants of this way
of controlling external programs with Emacs:


The slides - link above - are the best way to understand how it works,
but there's mode info here:


The method above only works with programs that have REPLs that can be
run in terminals, but I have some variants of it that let me send
commands - single-line or multi-line - to external programs that only
have GUIs. In one of these variant the external program listens to the
signals SIGUSR1s and SIGUSR2s, and initially what it does when it
receives these signals is:

  on SIGUSR1: print the contents of the file /tmp/bridge-data
  on SIGUSR2:  eval the contents of the file /tmp/bridge-data

The action of SIGUSR2 can be used to redefine the action fo SIGUSR1.
There is a demo for Tcl here:


How can I implement something similar in Pharo? I mean, how do I make
it react to SIGUSR1s by printing - in any sense - the contents of
/tmp/bridge-data, and react to SIGUSR2s by eval-ing the contents of

Thanks in advance! =)
  Eduardo Ochs

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