> On 8 Dec 2021, at 11:07, Pierre Misse <pierre.misse-chanab...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am aware of a Visual studio implementation that does pretty much what you 
> described.
> https://github.com/badetitou/vscode-pharo
> I also kinda remember something pharo with emacs called: bubbles?
> I can't remember sorry :/

Haha, it took me a while to find it because I also forgot, but here it is.

It is called Shampoo:




PS: I wrote and use https://github.com/svenvc/NeoConsole which might help as 
well to get you started

> Pierre
> On 12/8/2021 5:48 AM, Eduardo Ochs wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'm looking for help on doing something VERY un-smalltalkish with
>> Pharo... let me explain. I am working on several variants of this way
>> of controlling external programs with Emacs:
>>   http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2021emacsconf.pdf
>> The slides - link above - are the best way to understand how it works,
>> but there's mode info here:
>>   http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2021.html
>> The method above only works with programs that have REPLs that can be
>> run in terminals, but I have some variants of it that let me send
>> commands - single-line or multi-line - to external programs that only
>> have GUIs. In one of these variant the external program listens to the
>> signals SIGUSR1s and SIGUSR2s, and initially what it does when it
>> receives these signals is:
>>   on SIGUSR1: print the contents of the file /tmp/bridge-data
>>   on SIGUSR2:  eval the contents of the file /tmp/bridge-data
>> The action of SIGUSR2 can be used to redefine the action fo SIGUSR1.
>> There is a demo for Tcl here:
>>   http://angg.twu.net/IMAGES/2021-emacs-tcl-bridge.png
>>   http://angg.twu.net/e/tcl.e.html#2021-emacs-tcl-bridge
>> How can I implement something similar in Pharo? I mean, how do I make
>> it react to SIGUSR1s by printing - in any sense - the contents of
>> /tmp/bridge-data, and react to SIGUSR2s by eval-ing the contents of
>> /tmp/bridge-data?
>> Thanks in advance! =)
>>   Eduardo Ochs
>>   http://angg.twu.net/#eev

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