I’m far from being an expert but I think you misunderstood. Are you familiar 
with the concept of instance variables and having trouble with the syntax or do 
you need some help on the concept of instance variables ?

Assuming you are familiar with the concept, here are some explanation about the 
syntax: in the Smalltalk example you gave, instance variables don’t show up in 
methods; this example is just the Smalltalk way to declare a class with two 
instance variables var1 and var2 (no method is declared here). The Pascal 
example would translate to:

TTelevision subclass: #Television
    instanceVariableNames: 'Brightness Temperature'
    classVariableNames: ''
    package: 'MyTest'

Methods like Focus are declared in a separate way.

If you are new to Smalltalk and OOP, I suggest you take the Pharo MOOC 
(https://www.fun-mooc.fr/en/courses/live-object-programming-pharo/) which will 
help you a lot.


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