
I received the below e-mail directly to my e-mail address, does eBay give out 
e-mails if you are not involved in a transaction with a person?  I like how he 
lives in Chicago, but is Europe on business so I can wire him cash there.


Hello Miss / Mr.
I`m disturbing you with the best offer you can get regarding EDISON TRYIMPH 
All i`m asking is a few minutes to listen about what i have to say.
I wish to let you know that i have the same item like the one you`re looking 
for at a lower price.
For mass purchase i can give you a very good disccount, 15% up to 30%.
I live in Chicago,but for the moment i am in Europe with some business.If we`re 
going to make a transaction i think you must know from the start my propose for 
our deal:
There are 3 options of delivery services that are very fast :
- UPS 2 days air insured
- FedEx 2 days air insured
- DHL air
Any of those services are good, but I personaly prefere UPS 2 days air, if you 
have other preference, there is no problem.
For payment, the fastest way to send money worldwide is Western Union wire 
transfer. To arrange the transfer, you must go in
person to an Western Union or you can make it online , at 
>From Western Union , you will receive a number (MTCN Money Transfer Control 
>Number), you must send me that
number as soon as you have arranged the payment so I
can go to www.westernunion.com<about:blank> to see if the transaction is 
arranged. As soon as I have verifyed the transaction, I will ship you the 
package with all the accesories with the delivery service selected by you. For 
the reason that you will pay some money for the
Western Union wire transfer fee, I will cover shipping and insurance.
The package will be insured at the delivery service for the amount of the value 
of the package. If somethig happens on the road , you will receive the 
insurance from the delivery service.
As soon as the package arrives, you will test the products and if it does not 
matches 100% to your expectations, you will return it in max. 5 days sience the 
arrival date. In this case I will send you
the full amount back and you will send me the products in the original box.The 
shipping will be made via UPS 2 days air or FedEx 2 days air and I will pay the 
taxesand insurance charges. 
If you`re interested please email me back with your concerns or questions and i 
will make my best to give you the clearest answers as soon as possible. Sorry 
if i have made you trouble and have a nice day! 
Thank You in advance for your patience!
Best Regards!

This request is related to item # 2218033782 .

Note: Immediately contact Rules &amp; Safety 
http://www.ebay.com.sg/help?page=helpPolicies<about:blank> if one of eBay's 
rules were violated, such as: 
- Your contact information was used for purposes unrelated to eBay business, 
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