I guess I'm different. The famly had a Victrola XI in fumed oak that dated
from about 1919. There were about 65 records with it, and in 1937 or so, my
mom showed me how to play the thing. I'd spend hours, playing those
records. Mom couldn't figure out how I could enjoy that  old music, and I
never worried why, myself. Neighbors would give me records, and finally, I
got new ones for Christmas and birthdays. It went on from

> [Original Message]
> From: Mario Frazzetto <mari...@optusnet.com.au>
> To: Phono-L <phono-l@oldcrank.org>
> Date: 12/27/2006 9:18:53 PM
> Subject: [Phono-L] The List and Excitment about phonographs
> Hi Folks,
> I was sitting here thinking about the hobby and people that I have met
and spoken to because of it (including the very helpful members of this
> And I can honestly say that I have NEVER been more excited about my hobby
than I am at present. I've only been collecting 15 years (since I was 13)
but feel I have been welcomed by so many people with so much wider
knowledge and experience, and have made some friends in the process. This
list has served a big part in that excitement.
> So thankyou and I wish you all a Very Happy New Year! 
> Best Regards,
> Mario Frazzetto (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)
> www.PhonographsAndGramophones.com
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