I guess I got started young, comparatively, but then my earliest interest 
was more about records than phonographs.  My granny's best friend when I was 
a toddler was the assistant of a program director at a Memphis radio 
station, and since I had appropriated all my family's records by age 3, my 
default Christmas/birthday presents were always records, mostly 78's but 
many obscure white-labels, advertising records, you name it.  I was eaten up 
with fascination for anything that turned in a circle and anything with a 
sharp point, and created many phonographish toys (and destroyed plenty of 
records in the process) as a youngster.  Then one evening, our neighbors, 
whom we'd known for years, showed us one of their random possessions -- a 
cylinder player, probably an Amberola 50 (though it could've been a 30 but 
seemed bigger to me then) and maybe a hundred cylinders.  I went ape over it 
and asked them to keep playing more cylinders all night.  They rewarded my 
enthusiasm with a DD of Dalhart's "In The Baggage Coach Ahead", which 
changed the way I thought about popular music and songwriting in general.  I 
was 13.

With every record, from since I can remember, I've gotten the sense of 
peeking through a window at a frozen moment in another place and time, and 
cherished that like magic.  I remember staring into the grooves of any given 
favorite and wondering, amazed, how this inanimate, cold piece of material, 
this squiggly line pulled under a sharp rock, was capable of making me feel 
things so intensely.  I still feel the same way.

happy & safe new years to all,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Douglas Houston" <cdh...@earthlink.net>
To: "Antique Phonograph List" <phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: [Phono-L] The List and Excitment about phonographs

>I guess I'm different. The famly had a Victrola XI in fumed oak that dated
> from about 1919. There were about 65 records with it, and in 1937 or so, 
> my
> mom showed me how to play the thing. I'd spend hours, playing those
> records. Mom couldn't figure out how I could enjoy that  old music, and I
> never worried why, myself. Neighbors would give me records, and finally, I
> got new ones for Christmas and birthdays. It went on from
> there....uncontrolloed.
>> [Original Message]
>> From: Mario Frazzetto <mari...@optusnet.com.au>
>> To: Phono-L <phono-l@oldcrank.org>
>> Date: 12/27/2006 9:18:53 PM
>> Subject: [Phono-L] The List and Excitment about phonographs
>> Hi Folks,
>> I was sitting here thinking about the hobby and people that I have met
> and spoken to because of it (including the very helpful members of this
> list).
>> And I can honestly say that I have NEVER been more excited about my hobby
> than I am at present. I've only been collecting 15 years (since I was 13)
> but feel I have been welcomed by so many people with so much wider
> knowledge and experience, and have made some friends in the process. This
> list has served a big part in that excitement.
>> So thankyou and I wish you all a Very Happy New Year!
>> Best Regards,
>> Mario Frazzetto (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)
>> www.PhonographsAndGramophones.com
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