Sent from Mario's iPhone

On 26/09/2010, at 1:44 PM, Thomas Edison <> wrote:

> Hi Phono L, I have 3 dozen new brown wax blanks for sale, they have channeled 
> North American rims, and all but 2 blanks are various shades of brown, there 
> is a white, and a yellow cream colored one in the lots, made of the same 
> formula, they are just from an earlier batch before I started cast iron 
> cooking them.  Cooking them with cast iron gives them a different surface and 
> homoginizes the wax better, and  duplicates the original brown color, with 
> slight reddish cast) these blanks fill the entire phonograph mandrel to  
> facilitate a longer  recording, (almost 2:45 @ 160) and may be plated to make 
> moulds,  these blanks have  fine spiral ribs inside, much finer than the 
> original Edison blanks, probably the only way to tell my blanks apart from 
> one made in 1892!  These blanks use high grade Ceresine as the tempering 
> agent. Price is 150.00 per dozen. Contact me via email or call me at (815) 
> 608-0024. I might have one more dozen to cast, then I am out of materials. 
> Since 2000 I 
> ve made around 2,000 pounds of banks.                         
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