Loran was not sounding old and cranky; he was only expressing a concern based 
on what he saw on line and what harm it could do in causing viruses. So it 
appears you are only apologizing for the link not working correctly but not 
apologizing in regards to your attitude towards Loran which was uncalled for.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vinyl Visions <vinyl.visi...@live.com>
To: phono-l@oldcrank.org
Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 10:35 am
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Think streaming internet music is new? Check out this 
phonograph service from 1910...

i Loran,

orry about the link not working correctly. I am aware that you are the list 
wner... you were just sounding "Old and Cranky".

y the way, I put a link to your website on our Facebook page. This page is not 
 spamming tool nor a competing replacement for your list, it is meant to be a 
esource for anyone who shares an interest in our hobby. I think it's important 
o promote an interest in the history of recorded music to the newer generations 
hat think it all started with an iPod. I chose Facebook particularly, since 
here are over half a billion Facebook subscribers, which presents an enormous 
otential to generate new interest in phonographs, music, etc. Without 
enerating new interest, our hobby becomes an elitist, good ole boy network that 
ill go away when we do... You can only sell your stuff so many times among the 
ame group of existing collectors and there definitely comes a time for all of 
s to part with the stuff we are temporarily borrowing while we are passing 
hrough this life.


 Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 07:17:57 -0800
 From: lo...@oldcrank.com
 To: phono-l@oldcrank.org
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Think streaming internet music is new? Check out this 
honograph service from 1910...
 1. Please check out the link as it came through in the archive:
 2. I'm well aware of the awesomeness of the DELETE key. I'm willing to
 wager that my delete key is bigger than yours, as I am the list owner.
 On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:30 AM, Vinyl Visions <vinyl.visi...@live.com> wrote:
 > It's not spam, Loran... I thought readers other than yourself, might be 
nterested in a PHONOGRAPH RELATED very interesting article about a unique 
honograph service. It just happens to be posted on the Carolina Antique Music & 
honograph Society Facebook page. If you don't want to read it or look at it you 
ave a DELETE key on your computer.
 >> From: lo...@oldcrank.com
 >> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 21:08:52 -0800
 >> To: phono-l@oldcrank.org
 >> Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Think streaming internet music is new? Check out 
his phonograph service from 1910...
 >> Please refrain from posting Facebook spam here.
 >> Thanks,
 >> Loran
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