I may have paid crazy money. Actually I have seen them go for more than I paid. 
Here is a link to pics of it and the suspension setup.

From: Peter Fraser <pjfra...@mac.com>
To: Antique Phonograph List <phono-l@oldcrank.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Cygnet suspension spring question

Don't cut the spring. I've seen these go for crazy money, so it would be 

Are you sure it's original?

Springs don't go bad on their own, without many cycles of tension and 
relaxation, and it's highly doubtful this could have happened here. My bet us 
that this is a configuration issue, perhaps the wrong size crane for your 

-- Peter

On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:48 AM, john robles <john9...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Hello all
> I recently purchased an original cygnet suspension spring. All of my Cygnet 
> hardware was original with the exception of the spring, so it seemed like a 
> golden opportunity. What I didn't consider was the strength (or lack thereof) 
> of an original spring.  It seems this one is weak enough that I have to crank 
> the susension bolt all the way to the bottom in order to have the horn hang 
> correctly, and even then it is putting a little too much pressure on the 
> carriage to the point that records repeat grooves. I use a tizit to help the 
> carriage move freely but even this doesn't help, and shortening the rubber 
> connector wouldn't do much. Here's my question: Would it be blaspemy to cut a 
> few coils off the original spring in order to alleviate the problem? I hate 
> to have spent the money only to have a spring I can't use.
> The other solution is to get a different crane. I have a number 10 crane, and 
> I read that there were different sized cranes for different options. I am 
> going to be installing a top mount carriage and a model O reproducer, and I 
> understaned there was a Model O crane that was taller than the number 10. 
> Anyone seen one of these? Anyone got a longer lower portion they would trade??
> Thanks!
> John Robles.
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