See photos 7 & 9 on the page. According to a short description at the bottom of 
the page, the Lifebelt is a piece of rubber tubing that sits between the tone 
arm and reproducer. From what I've read online, it's supposed to minimize 
blasting and record wear, while improving bass response. My guess is that it 
was a bit of quackery.


On Jan 29, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Jim Cartwright wrote:

> Over the years, I seen various references from the mid-1920s, usually
> quoting the British The Gramophone magazine about some aftermarket
> attachment made of rubber tubing that supposedly dramatically improved the
> tone quality of gramophones called a "lifebelt."   I have "goggled" this &
> found discussions of it from 1926 issues of The Gramophone as well as a
> photo but the photo is too small to see what the thing is.    Can any on the
> list enlighten me as to what a "lifebelt" actually is, how it works & if
> it's use results in an actual sonic improvement on acoustic machines?    I
> am always happy to have my antique phonographs perform as well as possible
> since I play some nearly every day.
> Jim Cartwright
> Immortal Performances, Inc. 

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