yes, I never found the odor particularly offensive or long lived. This entire process is done with very little boiled linseed oil in a lot of turpentine.

The Turpenoid Odorless is one of these:

On 05/25/2012 03:36 PM, wrote:

The 'odorless' turpentine is a petroleum derivative.  When I am making my 
secret recipe belt dressing to keep a new leather belt from slipping and 
protect it for the next 100 years, I use real turpentine as the carrier 
solvent.  The odor actually smells like 'old phonograph' so my wife puts a dab 
behind each ear when she wants some attention.

Best to the list,


-----Original Message-----
From: John SHEETS<>
To: Antique Phonograph List<>
Sent: Fri, May 25, 2012 1:26 pm
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Turpentine

I believe there is an odorless turpentine--artists use it.

012/5/25 Steven Medved<>:

  Turpentine come from the sap of pine trees, in Florida they used to remove the
ark which killed the tree like in the photo in this article.
  It was hard work so prison inmates often did it as no one else wanted to.
  Later they make pots that you could nail to a tree to extract and not kill the
ree, a man I work with found the fragments of the pots in his backyard.

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