Yes, I bought one years ago. It had a very attractive case and just looked 
cool. I paid about $50.00 for it. Mine, too, sounds halfway decent. I'm sure 
I'll get a lot of flack for this, but I consider them to be a part of the 
history of phonographs.
Harvey Kravitz

 From: Dennis Back <>
To: Antique Phonograph List <> 
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 4:30 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Have YOU ever purchased a Crap-O-Phone???
Anyone on the list ever knowingly buy a Crap-O-Phone?  As in...on purpose?

Fess up.  :-)


I'll be first.  

Years ago, I saw an octagonal cased crap-o-phone that I thought was kind of 
cool looking.  Someone from this list or the Phonolist said that they would 
order a bunch of them and the price was reasonable, as I recall.

So I bought one. It had the usual portable motor and turntable, petaled brass 
horn and the usual cobbled tone arm and reproducer. Not a bad sounding 
reproducer, either.  I still have it and I point out  to visitors that these 
things are still being made, albeit poorly.  

Anyone else ever buy one and if so, why? 

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