If you google "edison antisemite" you will come across an astonishing and lengthy screed about how the Jews created Hollywood so they could peddle filth and undermine Christian morals. It begins with the struggle of Jews to wrest filmmaking away from the Edison Trust, and strays into communism, socialism, Disney, unions, Unamerican Activities, and Howard Hughes. I didn't follow any of the other google links, having reeled away from the computer after reading that paranoid dump from which it is impossible to sift any kernels of truth.

But to get back to some useful information about Edison, he didn't invent the light bulb. He did make it practical in many ways, from developing a thin carbon filament with high electrical resistance to devising all the other elements of a complete electrical system: generators, wiring, conduits, switches and cutouts, means of measuring electricity consumed, etc. He was an astonishing businessman.

The most money he made came not from the light bulb, the phonograph, or telegraphy -- it came from his alkaline batteries, which made electric cars practicable.

He dabbled in cement and designed houses and furniture molded out of cement.

His last project was to synthesize rubber (from goldenrod) -- not a great success.



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