ID:               42613
 User updated by:  patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Reported By:      patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro & Windows Vista
 PHP Version:      5.2.4
 Assigned To:      jmertic
 New Comment:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: I'm trying really hard to be civil here. I really
can't explain why you keep reiterating the same things over and over
again when I have very specifically gone into great detail to explain
what's going on.

a) This is an issue both on Windows Vista *AND* Windows XP. I have
tried it on XP Home Edition, Professional, and the Entertainment edition
(whatever that's called). All three fail in exactly the same way. Again,
I'll refer you to the very first paragraph of the bug report...just
scroll all the way up and read it: "This was done on a NEW install of
Windows XP Pro as well
as Vista." 

b) You keep going on about installing extensions that I need only. This
is the fourth time I'm asking....what extensions do I need?!? I want to
run MySQL but there is NO...I repeat...NO...documentation on extensions
that I should be excluding or including. I can infer, partially, the
extensions I may or may not need. Some are more obvious than others. If
it's a matter of choosing the default installation extensions, well,
they're ALL ENABLED BY DEFAULT! When I install, I hit "next", "next",
"next", "finish". I never choose the extensions, I don't even look at
the file list. So again...which ones do I need, and if I don't need them
all, why are they all enabled by default in the Windows installer? 

I'm really beyond baffled here. I mean, I don't want to be insulting
but I'm on the cusp of hurling out some rather harsh obscenities. I keep
asking the same questions...I keep getting the same responses that fail
to address any of the questions. again, I mean really
READ, and then respond. This is bordering on ludicrous now :(

Previous Comments:

[2007-10-29 12:01:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I understand your concern about the problems you've had with the
installer. However, since I am not seeing you issue when using WinXP or
Win2003 ( I unfortuantely don't have a Vista machine to test on, though
others who have have reported back successful results on the whole ).

In reading your very descriptive post, the most likely scenerio you are
encountering comes down to two issues.

- Updating the PATH environment variable and the extension_dir
directive in the php.ini file, which the installer handles properly
setting for you.
- Installing extensions you don't need and/or don't have the supporting
libraries for. This is why I recommend to only install the supporting
libraries you need; many require third party libraries that we do not
ship with the installer for various reasons.

Thank you again for using the PHP Windows Installer and I hope to hear
feedback from you after trying the above things.


[2007-10-24 16:12:47] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

"Please reinstall with ONLY the extensions you need."

I wasn't going to write another follow-up but...are you [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
ME?!? What extensions do I need? How about you tell me! What the hell
have I been asking since day one?!? 
You guys are absolutely brutal. You keep going around like a broken
record; you keep saying the same things and when you can't get to the
bottom of the issue, you hand it off to someone else and they

I'm truly lost for words.


[2007-10-24 16:01:24] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: *sigh* Do you really want me to repeat everything
ANOTHER time? Did you bother to read any of the posts I made in this
thread? Your "advice" indicates you just skipped everything. I'm not
doing this again...scroll up this page to the top, and read. If you
can't be bothered, please hand this over to someone who cares.


[2007-10-24 11:52:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few things:

- You shouldn't need to set any PATH environment variables; the
installer does this for you.
- Likewise, you should not need to tweak anything else in the php.ini
file, unless you have some advanced directive that needs set. The
installer takes care of all typical things, including the extension_dir
- Please reinstall with ONLY the extensions you need.

It sounds like a combination of tweaking things that don't need tweaked
and trying to install everything by default is the culprit here. Let me
know if redoing the install with the above advice helps things out.


[2007-10-22 18:00:30] patrick at baynewmedia dot com


No, no files were moved. Files were only copied in this way:

1. When all DLLs continued to fail to load from the original
installation directory (C:\PHP5\ext) I copied them (not moved, just
copied) to the root installation directory (C:\PHP5). Now they were
duplicated but at least they were being found. Any changes I made to the
PHP.ini file regarding the location of extensions seemed to have no
effect. I even tried setting it to weird and exotic locations like the
"Program Files" directories, and so on. However, they would only load
when together with the PHP executable and the INI settings had
absolutely no effect (i.e. regardless of where I specified the path, the
DLLs always loaded up from C:\PHP5).

2. I commented out the offending DLLs to get a basic PHP installation
running (still the same INI file). Now I was getting no errors and
phpinfo() showed that PHP was active albeit with no extended
functionality. At this point I tried getting MySQL enabled. I placed the
"libmysql.dll" file in all of the locations listed in previous entries
in this thread along with updating the INI file. I also did a full
system search to see if there were any other PHP initialization files
sitting anywhere on the system, and to see where all the MySQL DLLs
were. Only one INI file exists on my system, libmysql.dll exists in
about 6 different locations, and simply doesn't load (PHP can't find

So to recap: Upon my initial install on a new machine, I only copied
the extension DLLs from "C:\PHP5\ext" to "C:\PHP5", effectively creating
two copies. Various combinations to the path settings for these
extensions resulted in the same thing: nothing. The extension DLLs are
only ever recognized when in the same directory as the PHP executable.
The only exception to this is the "libmysql.dll" file which fails to
load no matter where I put it (previous posts here should describe in
greater detail what was tried).

The result thus far is that about 60% of the original installation
extension DLLs can be loaded. The remainder (listed above) cannot. The
MySQL extension fails to load regardless of what I do with it or which
version it is. In case I'd forgotten to mention this, all of the above
attempts were tried as a regular user (with administrative privileges on
my Vista machine), and running as an Administrator. On my XP machine,
the results are exactly the same. I also had the thought that  Vista or
64-bit had something to do with these failures, but the XP machine is
32-bit, fully up-to-date and all else running smoothly.


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