ID:               42613
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      patrick at baynewmedia dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro & Windows Vista
 PHP Version:      5.2.4
 Assigned To:      jmertic
 New Comment:

Make sure that you enabled the mysqli extension ( or mysql if you are
connecting to a pre-4.1 server ) in the installation. I have done this
myself and libmysql.dll shows up in the installation directory.

You also don't need to add anything to the php.ini; the installer
enables the extension automatically. Furthermore, the line you added was
incorrect; it should have been:


Previous Comments:

[2007-11-02 18:22:10] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

Okay, so I've cleaned up the php installation on my computer. I did a
full search through my entire system for the existence of "php.ini" just
to ensure that nothing was being left behind. I downloaded the Windows
installer from
and installed it. The default installation has all extensions disabled.
Maybe, I think, I'm being an idiot or losing my mind, so I pull up a
previous package I'd downloaded of 5.2.4. In that one, extensions are
all enabled! Is it possible that some mirrors are getting different
info? I'm using the Canadian one above and that's where I download all
my ZIPs/Installers from. But whatever, looks okay, and now it mimics the
torn-down installation I had previously where I disabled all the "bad"

However, the libmysql.dll file is nowhere to be found so...I grabbed
the ZIP package from
copied it (the DLL) to the installation directory I added the extension
directive in the php.ini file:
(the extension_dir is still "./" -- the default value). Restart my web
server (just to be sure)...and...nothing. "libmysql" (or anything
mentioning mysql) appears nowhere on the phpinfo page. I checked my
MySQL installation...ran the administration tool and it's up and
running. Maybe, I'm thinking, it's because I'm running it on a 64-bit
system so (drivers being not quite up to speed yet), I download the
32-bit version so everything runs virtualized. The 64-bit version gone
and the 32-bit version running, I try it again. Result: no change. The
libmysql.dll file is doing nothing. 

No go. Step 2: Re-install with MySQL (mysqli to be exact-for MySQL 5.0)
support enabled. The INI file is exactly the same as when I updated it
by hand (extension=php_mysqli.dll). The extension now shows up in the
list (so...why was my INI file not being read...even if there was an
error, wouldn't this have been mentioned?). I run my simple PHP script
to connect to the database and it chucks out an error saying that the
MySQL extension isn't loaded. with *both* mysql and
mysqli enabled. Great. Now it's asking me for the multibyte string
extension. I add it to the PHP INI file from my ZIP and, *sigh*, not

Well, this is light years ahead of where I was a month ago so I have to
say thanks for at least getting me this far. I was really going to give
up. But you can see how I'm slowly sliding down the same slope again.
The PHP.INI file, for some reason, is not being recognized. Or at least,
the changes I added are not being read. The MySQLi extension for MySQL5
does not appear to be the only one required (not sure if it's needed at
all...or what the reason behind this is). 

The thing that keeps bothering me is that I've done this many times
before. These extensions, at least, I'm familiar with and have updated
many times. So when I started running into these problems with the
current installer, it made me call into question what core changes have
been made. I've always had all extensions enabled, and just assumed
everything I would ever need would be there (including any MySQL
stuff)...and it was! It seems now that installations must be exclusive,
rather than inclusive (okay, as long as everyone understands that), and
the problem with the INI file is really beyond me. So...I'm closer...but
still can't get MySQL running fully. I suppose I could disable Multibyte
String support but I would prefer not to as I'm using it in some of my
sequel statements. Being able to load it would likely solve the problem.


[2007-11-02 17:13:23] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

Okay. I will try this and get back to you. However, I have re-installed
PHP about 20 times now and the result has been the same so I'm not
overly optimistic.


[2007-11-01 16:10:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The default installer will not install any additional extensions other
than those which PHP is compiled with on Windows, which are:


For MySQL development, you'll want to also enable mysqli ( or mysql if
you are working with MySQL 4.0 or lesser ). Otherwise, nothing else
should need enabled.

I would recommend uninstalling PHP, removing the php.ini file left in
the directory, and reinstalling only adding the extension you need.


[2007-10-29 14:55:42] patrick at baynewmedia dot com

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: I'm trying really hard to be civil here. I really
can't explain why you keep reiterating the same things over and over
again when I have very specifically gone into great detail to explain
what's going on.

a) This is an issue both on Windows Vista *AND* Windows XP. I have
tried it on XP Home Edition, Professional, and the Entertainment edition
(whatever that's called). All three fail in exactly the same way. Again,
I'll refer you to the very first paragraph of the bug report...just
scroll all the way up and read it: "This was done on a NEW install of
Windows XP Pro as well
as Vista." 

b) You keep going on about installing extensions that I need only. This
is the fourth time I'm asking....what extensions do I need?!? I want to
run MySQL but there is NO...I repeat...NO...documentation on extensions
that I should be excluding or including. I can infer, partially, the
extensions I may or may not need. Some are more obvious than others. If
it's a matter of choosing the default installation extensions, well,
they're ALL ENABLED BY DEFAULT! When I install, I hit "next", "next",
"next", "finish". I never choose the extensions, I don't even look at
the file list. So again...which ones do I need, and if I don't need them
all, why are they all enabled by default in the Windows installer? 

I'm really beyond baffled here. I mean, I don't want to be insulting
but I'm on the cusp of hurling out some rather harsh obscenities. I keep
asking the same questions...I keep getting the same responses that fail
to address any of the questions. again, I mean really
READ, and then respond. This is bordering on ludicrous now :(


[2007-10-29 12:01:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I understand your concern about the problems you've had with the
installer. However, since I am not seeing you issue when using WinXP or
Win2003 ( I unfortuantely don't have a Vista machine to test on, though
others who have have reported back successful results on the whole ).

In reading your very descriptive post, the most likely scenerio you are
encountering comes down to two issues.

- Updating the PATH environment variable and the extension_dir
directive in the php.ini file, which the installer handles properly
setting for you.
- Installing extensions you don't need and/or don't have the supporting
libraries for. This is why I recommend to only install the supporting
libraries you need; many require third party libraries that we do not
ship with the installer for various reasons.

Thank you again for using the PHP Windows Installer and I hope to hear
feedback from you after trying the above things.


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