ID:               41350
 Comment by:       scratch65535 at att dot net
 Reported By:      graham at directhostinguk dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         MySQL related
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:      5.2.3
 New Comment:

I'm in the throes of converting from PHP 4 and MySQL 4 to PHP 5.2.5 and
MySQL 5.0.45 on my W2K dev machine.  So I'm moving to
latest-and-greatest code on both sides, and was quite surprised, also
dismayed, to see this my_thread bug.

Previous Comments:

[2007-12-10 16:21:53] m dot bariola at prodigiweb dot it


I experienced this problem too and still am. however I might give some
info that might move the focus to a different point. Reading the
comments, I see that some people are experiencing it with or without
mySQL, or on imap, solving with older lib version, etc.

I have two winXP systems both running the same XAMPP version (1.6.4). I
have no problems on my home PC, so I repeated the configuration on the
work PC. easy as repeating the XAMPP installation with same paths as
home, then copying the apache conf folder from home, and modifying the
Path variable so that it will look for executables in c:\xampp\php

basically, exactly the same as home, but the work PC does not work,
while the home installation has no such problems.

hope this helps in finding the real cause of the problem.


[2007-12-07 13:47:32] jean-yves dot deleze at crealp dot vs dot ch

I recently installed PHP 5.2.5 on Windows and the error was still there
(MySQL version 5.0.45). The only way to remove the error was to use old
versions of php_mysql(i).dll or libmysql.dll (<= 5.0.27).

Today I downloaded MySQL 5.0.51 Win32 sources, I compiled the
libmysql.dll library and replaced the one shiped with PHP 5.2.5. This
solved the problem.


[2007-12-05 12:53:41] ulmer at energieagentur dot nrw dot de

The version of the mysql extension at is 5.0.27 right now which
seems to be quite old. The Changelog date is 2006-11-17, so it is more
than a year old!

Installing this version is NOT a solution for me.


[2007-12-04 12:40:24] webmaster at cosmicperl dot com


If you download the latest PHP - MySQL connector files direct from
MySQL this problem goes away:-

Why hasn't PHP updated to these latest files?!?!?



[2007-12-04 01:45:12] jp at chicagowebexperts dot com

Windows XP, PHP 5.2.5, same issue: "Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1
threads didn't exit"  Typically "1" thread, but sometimes 3.  Running as
a CGI.  Problem manifests even if no calls to any MySQL function are
made.  Problem disappears if "extension=php_mysql.dll" is commented

Noticed that the behavior becomes less frequent (or disappears
entirely) the more that your page outputs.  Have a "controller.php" file
doing only back-end processing, no client output; bug appears 100% of
the time.  Noticed that my index.php file never failed (about 60 lines
of HTML outputted), so for the heck of it, put in <? exit; ?> at the
very top.  Problem occurs 100% of the time.  Problem never occurs in a
PHP file consisting only of <? phpinfo(); ?> (short tags enabled in

Created a small test.php file consisting only of HTML (open and close
HTML tags, and 512 bytes of data).  Problem occurs ~20-30% of the time. 
Interestingly enough, I noticed that if I refresh the test.php page
quickly enough, I get back an HTTP 403.9: "The page cannot be displayed.
 There are too many people accessing the Web site at this time."  I've
never received that error before under any other condition.  In
actuality, when this occurs, the number of times I'd refreshed the page
is really pretty low (five or six), and the refreshes aren't done all
that fast, relatively speaking.


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