ID:               41350
 Comment by:       stalin dot gsk at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      graham at directhostinguk dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         MySQL related
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:      5.2.3
 New Comment:

Include($header) and function fputs($csvf, "string") not detecting by
PHP 5.2.3
Iam using WIN NT server with IIS 6

Error msg:
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '' for inclusion
(include_path='.;./includes;./pear') in
C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\cgi-bin\checkout.php on line 61

Iam adding the code below plz check if any thing can be done to make it
work advanced thanks for those who can try helping me site was launched
and this shopping is making plz help soon.

PHP code:

//               NOP Design JavaScript Shopping Cart                  
//                   PHP SCRIPT Checkout Module                       
// For more information on SmartSystems, or how NOPDesign can help you
// Please visit us on the WWW at             
// Javascript portions of this shopping cart software are available as
// freeware from NOP Design.  You must keep this comment unchanged in 
// your code.  For more information contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
// JavaScript Shop Module, V.4.4.0                                    
//  Function: Writes available form elements from the NOP             
//            Free Cart (           
//            and other form elements to an email file, and           
//            send user confirmation                                  

// User defined variables:                                            
//     $header        - string value containing the complete          
//                      path of the HTML page header                  
//     $footer        - string value containing the complete          
//                      path of the HTML page footer                  
//     $youremail     - string value containing the email address to  
//                      send catalog orders in EMAIL or BOTH modes    
//     $returnpage    - URL to send user when checkout is complete    
//     $csvfilename   - string value containing the complete          
//                      path of the user database.                    
//     $csvquote      - string value containing what to use for quotes
//                      in the csv file (typically "" or \")          
//     $mode          - string value containing 'EMAIL', 'FILE' or    
//                      'BOTH' to determine if the script should send 
//                      an email to you with the new order, write the 
//                      order to a CSV file, or do both.              
$header        = "header.html";
$footer        = "footer.html";
$returnpage    = "thankyou.html";
$youremail     = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$csvfilename   = "orders.csv";
$csvquote      = "\"\"";
$mode          = "BOTH";

//#FUNCTION:   doFormError                                     #
//#RETURNS:                                                    #
//#PARAMETERS: A error message string.                         #
//#PURPOSE:    Generates an HTML page indicating a form        #
//#            submission error occurred.                      #
function doFormError($errString) {


    echo "<FONT SIZE=+2>The form you submitted was not
    echo "$errString<BR><BR>\n";
    echo "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK='history.back()' VALUE='  Return
to the checkout page '><HR>";



//#FUNCTION:   doError                                         #
//#RETURNS:                                                    #
//#PARAMETERS: A error message string.                         #
//#PURPOSE:    Generates an HTML page indicating an error      #
//#            occurred.                                       #
function doError($errString) {


    echo "$errString<BR><BR>\n";



//###  MAIN                                                  ###

if (($b_conf == "") || ($b_first == "") || ($b_last == "") || ($b_addr
== "") || ($b_city == "") || ($b_state == "") || ($b_zip == "") ||
($b_phone == "") || ($b_email == "")) {
   doFormError("I'm sorry, but it appears that you forgot to fill in a
required field.  Please go <A HREF='Javascript:history.go(-1);'>back</A>
and correct the error.");

//# checks for valid email address
if( !(ereg("^(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)$",$b_email)) ) {
    doFormError("You submitted an invalid email address.  Please go <A
HREF='Javascript:history.go(-1);'>back</A> and correct the error.");

$today = date ("l, F jS Y");
$strMessageBody = "";
$strMessageBody .= "A new order has been received.  A summary of this
order appears below.\n";
$strMessageBody .= "\n";
$strMessageBody .= "Order Date: $today \n";
$strMessageBody .= " \n";
$strMessageBody .= "Bill To: \n";
$strMessageBody .= "-------- \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_first $b_last \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_addr \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_addr2 \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_city, $b_state  $b_zip \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_phone \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_fax \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $b_email \n";
$strMessageBody .= " \n";
$strMessageBody .= " \n";
$strMessageBody .= "Ship To: \n";
$strMessageBody .= "-------- \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $s_first $s_last \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $s_addr \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $s_addr2 \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $s_city, $s_state  $s_zip \n";
$strMessageBody .= "   $s_phone \n";
$strMessageBody .= " \n";
$strMessageBody .= " \n";
$strMessageBody .= "Qty  Price(\$)   Product ID  - Product Name\n";
$strMessageBody .=
$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_1    \$$PRICE_1    $ID_1 - $NAME_1  
$ADDTLINFO_1  \n";
if( $NAME_2 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_2    \$$PRICE_2    $ID_2 -
$NAME_2   $ADDTLINFO_2  \n";}
if( $NAME_3 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_3    \$$PRICE_3    $ID_3 -
$NAME_3   $ADDTLINFO_3  \n";}
if( $NAME_4 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_4    \$$PRICE_4    $ID_4 -
$NAME_4   $ADDTLINFO_4  \n";}
if( $NAME_5 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_5    \$$PRICE_5    $ID_5 -
$NAME_5   $ADDTLINFO_5  \n";}
if( $NAME_6 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_6    \$$PRICE_6    $ID_6 -
$NAME_6   $ADDTLINFO_6  \n";}
if( $NAME_7 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_7    \$$PRICE_7    $ID_7 -
$NAME_7   $ADDTLINFO_7  \n";}
if( $NAME_8 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_8    \$$PRICE_8    $ID_8 -
$NAME_8   $ADDTLINFO_8  \n";}
if( $NAME_9 ) {$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_9    \$$PRICE_9    $ID_9 -
$NAME_9   $ADDTLINFO_9  \n";}
if( $NAME_10 ){$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_10    \$$PRICE_10   
$ID_10 - $NAME_10   $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";}
if( $NAME_11 ){$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_11    \$$PRICE_11   
$ID_11 - $NAME_11   $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";}
if( $NAME_12 ){$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_12    \$$PRICE_12   
$ID_12 - $NAME_12   $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";}
if( $NAME_13 ){$strMessageBody .= "$QUANTITY_13    \$$PRICE_13   
$ID_13 - $NAME_13   $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";}
$strMessageBody .=
$strMessageBody .= "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n";
$strMessageBody .= "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n";
$strMessageBody .= "\n";
$strMessageBody .= "FREIGHT: $SHIPPING \n";
$strMessageBody .= "\n\n";
$strMessageBody .= "Comments: \n";
$strMessageBody .= "--------- \n";
$strMessageBody .= "$comment \n";
$strMessageBody .= " \n";

if( $mode == "BOTH" || $mode == "EMAIL") {
   //# Send email order to you...
   $mailheaders = "From: $b_email\r\n";
   $mailheaders .="X-Mailer: PHP Mail generated by:NOP Design Shopping
   $subject = "New Online Order";
   mail($youremail, $subject, $strMessageBody, $mailheaders);

if( $mode == "BOTH" || $mode == "FILE") {
   $csvcomments = $comment;
   if (!$CSVF = fopen($csvfilename,'a')) {
       doError("Unable to open CSV file for writing.  Your order has
not been saved.");

   fputs($CSVF, $string);
   fputs($CSVF, "\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$today");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_conf");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");

   fputs($CSVF, "$b_first");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_last");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_addr");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_addr2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_city");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_state");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_zip");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_phone");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_fax");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$b_email");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_first");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_last");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_addr");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_addr2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_city");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_state");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_zip");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$s_phone");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");   
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_1");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_1");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_1");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_1");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_1");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_2");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_3");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_3");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_3");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_3");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_3");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_4");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_4");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_4");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_4");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_4");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_5");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_5");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_5");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_5");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_5");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_6");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_6");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_6");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_6");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_6");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_7");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_7");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_7");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_7");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_7");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_8");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_8");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_8");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_8");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_8");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_9");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_9");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_9");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_9");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_9");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_10");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_10");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_10");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_10");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_10");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_11");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_11");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_11");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_11");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_11");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_12");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_12");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_12");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_12");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_12");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$QUANTITY_13");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "\$$PRICE_13");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ID_13");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$NAME_13");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$ADDTLINFO_13");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$SUBTOTAL");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$TOTAL");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$SHIPPING");
   fputs($CSVF, "\",\"");
   fputs($CSVF, "$comment");
   fputs($CSVF, "\"\n");

//# Send email conformation to the customer.....
$mailheaders = "From: $youremail\r\n";
$mailheaders .="X-Mailer: PHP Mail generated by:NOP Design Shopping
$subject = "Order Confirmation";
mail($b_email, $subject, $strMessageBody, $mailheaders);


echo "<h2>Thank you</h2>";
echo "Thank you for your order from our online store.  You will receive
a confirmation email of your order ";
echo "momentarily.  Please contact us at $youremail if you have any
questions or concerns.";
echo "<P>";
echo "<A HREF=\"$returnpage\" target=_top>Return Home</A>";
echo "<P>";



Previous Comments:

[2007-12-28 07:46:42] jungno at gmail dot com

i had the same bug
Error in my_thread_global_end(): 3 threads didn't exit 

I replaced old libmysql.dll file with the new file from the file

my file with the bad libmysql.dll file was from the file

running IIS5.1 on winxp2 and php5.2.5


[2007-12-23 18:57:13] cappytoi at yahoo dot com

Replacing the php5.2.1/libmysql.dll is fixed my problem with ISS 6 with
ISAPI on Win2003.


[2007-12-21 02:46:09] ekarudito at gmail dot com

i have error too...
using apache 2.2.4
php 5.2.1 (windows XP)
mysql 5.0.37

i have this error when using stored procedure.. in php script
and show this error in error log in apache..

and i think's maybe.. caused by bind_result function.. (using mysqli)

because when i comment this function, mozzila can work normally 
although it show few of warning ....


[2007-12-17 10:44:22] scratch65535 at att dot net

I'm in the throes of converting from PHP 4 and MySQL 4 to PHP 5.2.5 and
MySQL 5.0.45 on my W2K dev machine.  So I'm moving to
latest-and-greatest code on both sides, and was quite surprised, also
dismayed, to see this my_thread bug.


[2007-12-10 16:21:53] m dot bariola at prodigiweb dot it


I experienced this problem too and still am. however I might give some
info that might move the focus to a different point. Reading the
comments, I see that some people are experiencing it with or without
mySQL, or on imap, solving with older lib version, etc.

I have two winXP systems both running the same XAMPP version (1.6.4). I
have no problems on my home PC, so I repeated the configuration on the
work PC. easy as repeating the XAMPP installation with same paths as
home, then copying the apache conf folder from home, and modifying the
Path variable so that it will look for executables in c:\xampp\php

basically, exactly the same as home, but the work PC does not work,
while the home installation has no such problems.

hope this helps in finding the real cause of the problem.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

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