ID:          49526
 Updated by:
 Reported By: president at basnetworks dot net
 Status:      Open
 Bug Type:    Feature/Change Request
 PHP Version: 6SVN-2009-09-11 (SVN)
 New Comment:


The best way to request this feature is to write an RFC in our wiki

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namespace and repost this feature request as an RFC. When you are done,
start a new thread on internals ( explaining
your RFC.

As for reference, this idea was discussed at the last PDM in May, see: point #16

Previous Comments:

[2009-09-11 01:02:26] president at basnetworks dot net

I would like to request a C# style get/set syntax (called a property in
C#) for PHP.  Basically, it looks and acts like a class member/variable
from outside the class, but it is actually a set of two methods.  It can
be used to provide only read or write access to a class member, do pre
or post processing on a member, or be completely dynamic like a set of
class methods.

A property contains two methods between braces, named get and set.  get
must always have a return statement, while set has a magic variable
"value" or "$value" which is the variable that was passed to the
property.  Either method can be omitted to make the property read-only
or write-only.

The same effect can be achieved by creating a GetVar() and SetVar()
method to create a sudo-property "var", although it is by far much
clumsier and less intuitive.

I also realize the same effect received outside the class can be
achieved using the __get() and __set() methods, but these methods are
only really useful in a small instance of situations, like giving access
to an internal array as though each index is a property.  These magic
methods are not at all useful for using on an individual property basis,
and it gets worse when inheritance is introduced.

The C# syntax is as follows:

class TimePeriod
    private double seconds;

    public double Hours
        get { return seconds / 3600; }
        set { seconds = value * 3600; }

The PHP syntax would be similar to the following:

class TimePeriod
    private $seconds;

    public property Hours
        get { return $this->seconds / 3600; }
        set { $this->seconds = $value * 3600; }

You would use it exactly the same as a public class member:

$time = new TimePeriod();
$time->Hours = 24;
echo $time->Hours;

As opposed to the alternative:
$time = new TimePeriod();
echo $time->GetHours();

Additionally, the get and set methods can have separate visibilities
like in the following example where get is public and set is protected:

public property Name
    get { return $this->name; }
    protected set { $this->name = $value; }

There is another ticket that is similar but not the same thing here:

It suggests separate getter/setter methods, which in my opinion are
much less intuitive.  I believe that following the C# format would help
to keep a standard format, and would be the least confusing.

The poster of that bug also fails to realize that separate visibility
levels can be achieved for properties using the C# syntax, as shown

The C# documentation on properties is available here:

The C# documentation on Asymmetric Accessor Accessibility for
properties is available here:


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