ID:          49526
 Comment by:  president at basnetworks dot net
 Reported By: president at basnetworks dot net
 Status:      Open
 Bug Type:    Feature/Change Request
 PHP Version: 6SVN-2009-09-11 (SVN)
 New Comment:

Hi Kalle,

Thanks for the information.  I will follow your instructions and start
working on the RFC over the next week(s).  Also, thanks for the link
about the Developer Summit, but it does not show the outcome of the
discussion, am I able to find that anywhere?

Previous Comments:

[2009-09-12 12:22:19]


The best way to request this feature is to write an RFC in our wiki

Request an account at:

And then send an email to the webmaster list
( requesting write access to the rfc
namespace and repost this feature request as an RFC. When you are done,
start a new thread on internals ( explaining
your RFC.

As for reference, this idea was discussed at the last PDM in May, see: point #16


[2009-09-11 01:02:26] president at basnetworks dot net

I would like to request a C# style get/set syntax (called a property in
C#) for PHP.  Basically, it looks and acts like a class member/variable
from outside the class, but it is actually a set of two methods.  It can
be used to provide only read or write access to a class member, do pre
or post processing on a member, or be completely dynamic like a set of
class methods.

A property contains two methods between braces, named get and set.  get
must always have a return statement, while set has a magic variable
"value" or "$value" which is the variable that was passed to the
property.  Either method can be omitted to make the property read-only
or write-only.

The same effect can be achieved by creating a GetVar() and SetVar()
method to create a sudo-property "var", although it is by far much
clumsier and less intuitive.

I also realize the same effect received outside the class can be
achieved using the __get() and __set() methods, but these methods are
only really useful in a small instance of situations, like giving access
to an internal array as though each index is a property.  These magic
methods are not at all useful for using on an individual property basis,
and it gets worse when inheritance is introduced.

The C# syntax is as follows:

class TimePeriod
    private double seconds;

    public double Hours
        get { return seconds / 3600; }
        set { seconds = value * 3600; }

The PHP syntax would be similar to the following:

class TimePeriod
    private $seconds;

    public property Hours
        get { return $this->seconds / 3600; }
        set { $this->seconds = $value * 3600; }

You would use it exactly the same as a public class member:

$time = new TimePeriod();
$time->Hours = 24;
echo $time->Hours;

As opposed to the alternative:
$time = new TimePeriod();
echo $time->GetHours();

Additionally, the get and set methods can have separate visibilities
like in the following example where get is public and set is protected:

public property Name
    get { return $this->name; }
    protected set { $this->name = $value; }

There is another ticket that is similar but not the same thing here:

It suggests separate getter/setter methods, which in my opinion are
much less intuitive.  I believe that following the C# format would help
to keep a standard format, and would be the least confusing.

The poster of that bug also fails to realize that separate visibility
levels can be achieved for properties using the C# syntax, as shown

The C# documentation on properties is available here:

The C# documentation on Asymmetric Accessor Accessibility for
properties is available here:


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