Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51315&edit=1

 ID:               51315
 Updated by:       geiss...@php.net
 Reported by:      administrateur at exinsidephp dot com
 Summary:          imagettfbbox randomly don't work
 Status:           Assigned
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          GD related
 Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
 PHP Version:      5.3.2
 Assigned To:      geissert

 New Comment:

I tried with the following versions and with all of them the result is
the same:

4.1.2, 4.2.4, 4.3.4, 4.4.3

So it's a bug on libgd's side. Will ask Sean as he is the maintainer at

Previous Comments:
[2010-03-23 20:59:14] geiss...@php.net

Strange that you mention that it works with gcc 4.1.2. Last I heard
5.3.x failed to build with that version (don't know what arch was that,

Will take a look at it later. FWIW, a test related to imagettfbbox is
reproducibly failing (with the same results on all archs):



(-1, 15)

(155, 15)

(155, -48)

(-1, -48)


(1, 15)

(163, 15)

(163, -48)

(1, -48)


And that was with 4.4.3 (same results without optimisation). Has anyone
tried to reproduce it with the same or similar versions of gcc from
another distribution?

[2010-03-23 15:04:59] paj...@php.net

Raphael, can you take a look at this one please?

[2010-03-23 14:52:53] administrateur at exinsidephp dot com

So I have find the origin of the problem : "GCC".

This problem appear if you compile PHP 5.3.2 width GCC 4.3.2 on Debian
32 bits. For fix the problem you must compile PHP 5.3.2 width GCC 4.1.2.

[2010-03-19 16:36:19] administrateur at exinsidephp dot com

rechange title

[2010-03-19 16:35:50] administrateur at exinsidephp dot com

So I have add debug line and i find origin of bug :

View my previous script an modify width this line :

$tab =

$text_x = (55-($tab[2]-$tab[6]))/2;

$text_y = (15-($tab[1]-$tab[5]))/2+9;

file_put_contents(Config::getCons('PATH_CACHE').'log_font.txt', $text.'
x:'.$text_x.' y:'.$text_y.'

The result : 

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:33554459 y:12.5

 x:33554459 y:12.5

 x:33554459 y:12.5

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

 x:33554459 y:12.5

 x:12 y:12.5 imagbox:[-1,-1,30,-1,30,-9,-1,-9]

So the problem is located on imagettfbbox funtion, it give wrong value
for x position.


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the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51315&edit=1

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