Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54128&edit=1

 ID:                 54128
 User updated by:    vavra at 602 dot cz
 Reported by:        vavra at 602 dot cz
 Summary:            ZIP_ER_OPEN when ZipArchive::open() on temp file
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Zip Related
 Operating System:   Windows 2003
 PHP Version:        5.2.17
 Assigned To:        pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

The function _zip_file_exists() is used only once in zip_open() after
creating new or reading for open. The usage is not so universal. There
is no need for testing of existence of file for which we have no read
access. It's used in zip_open() and zip_open() reads or writes to a
file. So you are testing existence of file and you have to have at least
a read permission. So if you reimplement _zip_file_exists() with fopen
you will not lose anything and users of ZipArchive will quite earn.

Case where implementation of some file_exists() via fopen cannot be used
is for example implementaion of tempnam - function which tries to
generate unique file and can randomly generate some filename. There is a
probability that filename exists and you have no read right.

Again in zip_open() such universal behaviour of file_exists() function
isn't required. So I thing you can reimplement it and you can spare a
lot of time of ZipArchive users. See my test case: file_get_contents
succeeded but ZipArchive:open not. Isn't it weird?

Previous Comments:
[2011-03-02 09:56:17] paj...@php.net

zip_file_exists is about testing the existence of a file so stat usage

perfectly valid in this case. 

We also have to test if the file exists, because of the options
available on 

zip_open (create, overwrite, etc.).

[2011-03-02 08:47:16] vavra at 602 dot cz

Well, I've made another test. I've written a small c program compiled by
VC9 containing calls of stat and fopen. In php I've called this program
via exec(). When IUSR_XXXX has no right to list the temp folder the
result was: stat() failed with -1, fopen succeeded.

So I think function _zip_file_exists() in zip/lib/zip_open.c should be
rewritten. Instead of calling stat, it should be called fopen. Stat
calls is made only for existence detection, no fields from struct stat
are read. So you can replace stat without any limitations and users of
ZipArchive::open will no longer be confused by behaviour of stat

[2011-03-01 15:55:09] johan...@php.net

I assume this is expected bahvior. At least on UNIX/Linux systems stat
is defined as

     The stat()  function  obtains  information  about  the  file

     pointed  to  by  path. Read, write, or execute permission of

     the named file is not required, but all  directories  listed

     in the path name leading to the file must be searchable.

I assume it is similar on Windows.

If the zip extension is accessing the temp dir this should probably be

Assigning to Pierre who knows zip and windows better :-)

[2011-03-01 15:28:53] vavra at 602 dot cz

On Windows 2003, IIS we use php as CGI. The php process runs as a
IUSR_XXXX user. When we want to unzip a file, we get error 11

I tracked this by Process Monitor and I saw that ZipArchive::open()
tries to list a directory. We use temp directory. On Windows 2003 it is

After listing this directory ZipArchive::open() returns 11. And doesn't
continue at work.

When I add right "List Folder" for user IUSR_XXXX the open() call

I think it should be a kind of bug of c-runtime. I searched for
ZIP_ER_OPEN in php source and this is returned nearly after calls of
fopen() and stat(). It's odd that fopen() and stat() makes directory

Test script:
//without result testing:

$zipfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(),'zip');

file_put_contents($zipfile, $a_zip_file_content);

$zip = new ZipArchive();

$a_zip_file_content_reread = file_get_contents($zipfile,

//$a_zip_file_conent_reread has bean successfully read and has the same
content as $a_zip_file_content


if ($res!==true)

 echo "Failed open a file: ".$res;


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54128&edit=1

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