Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54128&edit=1

 ID:                 54128
 Comment by:         carsten_sttgt at gmx dot de
 Reported by:        vavra at 602 dot cz
 Summary:            ZIP_ER_OPEN when ZipArchive::open() on temp file
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Zip Related
 Operating System:   Windows 2003
 PHP Version:        5.3.5
 Assigned To:        pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:


> We also have to test if the file exists,

man 2 access

   access, eaccess, faccessat -- check accessibility of a file

man 2 stat

   stat, lstat, fstat, fstatat -- get file status

I think access is the winner (especially if there is a known problem
with stat)

Previous Comments:
[2011-03-02 19:37:52] paj...@php.net

No, stat exists for that.

[2011-03-02 19:31:39] carsten_sttgt at gmx dot de

> thus stat should normally work in this folder for own files.

Ups, must correct me. stat (crt) is really not working, even "traverse
folder/execute file" is allowed.

But I must agree with vavra. Checking the existence of a file is
normally done with (f)open or access. Someone should report this to the
libzip team.

[2011-03-02 16:56:15] paj...@php.net

@carsten_sttgt at gmx dot de

Can you please for my own sanity keep separate issues separated?

The stat problem here is totally unrelated to realpath_r. There is a
reason why 

we do it (see my other comment) and I already said that I have to see
what else 

we can do to work around this problem without adding more platform

changes in this implementation.

[2011-03-02 15:53:37] carsten_sttgt at gmx dot de

> I assume it is similar on Windows.

Yes. In this case the needed X-Bit (X = directory traversal) is still
set. Thus you can "cd" to this directory. But on Windows we have an
additional right RD (list directory). This one is not allowed, and so
you can't do a "dir" in this directory.

-> thus stat should normally work in this folder for own files.

> Also sharing one temp for all vhost is not a wised idea :)

If all vhosts have a (scripts are executed with a) different SID, that's
not a problem. Only the creator SID (and admin/system) have full access
to it own files in this folder, but no rights to files created from
other SID's. (a little bit like 1777 on *nix. But an *nix you can still
list other files. On Win not.)

But back to the topic and let me extend the testscript:

| <?php

| $zipfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'zip');

| $zip = new ZipArchive();


| $res = $zip->open($zipfile, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);

| if ($res !== true) {

|     printf("Can't create file (%d)", $res);

| }

| var_dump($res);

| $zip->close();


| $res = $zip->open($zipfile);

| if ($res !== true) {

|     printf("Can't open file (%d)", $res);

| }



| unlink($zipfile);

| ?>

The result:

| boolean true

| Can't open file (11)

I can create a new Zip-File in this folder, but can't open an existing

BTW stat(). Here's an example with PHP stat() (and my favorite

| <?php

| $temp = tmpfile();

| $filedata = stream_get_meta_data($temp);

| var_dump(stat($filedata['uri']));

| var_dump(realpath($filedata['uri']));

| ?>

The result:

| array (size=26)

|   0 => int 2

|   ...

| boolean false

tmpfile, fopen, stat, whatever is working in this dir. But realpath

[2011-03-02 11:08:58] paj...@php.net

What I mean by alternative solutions. Just not sure now if it is worth
it. Also 

sharing one temp for all vhost is not a wised idea :)


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Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54128&edit=1

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