ID:               17606
 Comment by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         HTTP related
 Operating System: RedHat 7.3
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 New Comment:

Someone found a solution for old PHP like 4.0.6?

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-09 08:56:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, problem solved - here's what I did:
Initially this box had redhat stock apache and php installs, so I blew
those installs away (rpm -e) and installed apache 1.3.26 and PHP 4.2.3
from source. This is when I first posted my issue here, as I still
couldn't upload large files. I played with all the ini file parameters
and a few of the apache conf parameters, but all to no avail - the
script just would not write to any temp directory. The ulimit was set
to unlimited, no disk quotas, plenty of available disk space, memory
available etc etc. Everything looked fine and healthy and everything
else on the box worked just fine. In desperation, I finally rebooted
the box (it hadn't been down in years) and voila, now it magically
works! This scares me somewhat - a linux box behaving like a windows
box! So, I still don't know the cause of the issue, but thankfully it
now works and I guess this one will go into the "unknown" black
Thanks to everyone, especially Luis, for your help with this.


[2002-12-24 13:52:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not yet - still unresolved! I've had to setup a different machine for
these people to use. Funnily enough, the new machine is configured
identically (and I mean IDENTICALLY) to the old machine, but it works
just fine. I'm starting to wonder if there's some sort of kernel


[2002-12-22 06:42:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

people in all world !!!! i need your HELP i have same problem i cannot
upload files that are greater than 2M, mlin
what to do, maybe some of you solved this problem


[2002-12-12 10:59:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If want you can send me your php.ini to check if any 
variable is left to a default, otherway we are in a dead 
end; but believe me I been running my upload scripts in 3 
diferent machines (2 Redhat, 1 Suse) and I have had no 
trouble with it. Also you can send me if you want your 
upload script.


[2002-12-12 10:35:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. The upload script is also identical on both machines and does not
override any settings
2. There's some diff's in the conf files - but only around hostname
etc. I actually ran one box as the other just to check (i.e. swapped
httpd.conf and php.ini)
3. Not sure what command to run to check this?
4. php.ini is root.root 744 (i.e. -rw-r--r--) and is definitely being
read (changing variables, restarting apache and then running phpinfo()
script shows the changes)


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