ID:               17606
 Comment by:       wolf-post at Mha dot ca
 Reported By:      luimarma at iti dot upv dot es
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         HTTP related
 Operating System: RedHat 7.3
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 New Comment:

PHP 4.3.2  -- large file uploads were failing (greater then 12 megs).
Even worse, it was corrupting the session data. So then session_start()
would hang. And it would stay hung until the browser deleted their
cookies blah blah blah.

So we rolled back to:
PHP 4.2.3 -- works with large file uploads. Even when we managed to
crash it, it still did not corrupt the session data. So it would fail,
but the browser could go right back to the site and not hang.

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-17 06:13:08] leon66427 at yahoo dot com dot tw

I just found a thread... and it fix my problem

Apache setting a limit on the size of files I upload




[2003-07-10 10:27:02] rahuddleston at yahoo dot com

I am having this trouble now... running php 4.2.2 on redhat 8 stock
build with apache 2.0.40...
I have adjusted ini for upload_max_filesize, max_execution_time and
post_max_Size using ini_set for just my upload page... Problem... Will
not write a file to /tmp if over a certain size... I'm trying to apply
5MB file - upload_max_filesize set to 10M, max_execution_time set to
300 and post_max_size set to 10M.. Also edited apache conf file -
LimitRequestBody per a post... I can upload 1.5MB but not 2MB or more..
Is ini_set maybe not working?


[2003-06-10 10:34:23] j dot henshaw at ulster dot ac dot uk

with reference to "[9 Jan 8:56am CST] OK, problem solved - here's what
I did" 

(I just found this thread ... and thanks to all that contributed, 'cos
you helped me fix my box.)

The reboot was not necessary. 

However, the php.ini file is only read when apache starts. So issue
"service httpd restart" command and your changes to php.ini are read
when apache restarts.

No way will Linux ever behave like a windoze box!


[2003-06-03 02:42:26] luimarma at iti dot upv dot es

Use a newer php version, versions under 4.2 have this feature 


[2003-06-02 19:45:56] aiphuong1001 at yahoo dot com

It doesn't work for my case. What did I do wrong?
I'm using PHP version 4.1.2, apache 1.3.26 on Mac OS X and 
trying to upload a 200M file via Internet Explorer with the 
setting in php.ini:

max_execution_time = 30000
max_input_time = 30000
memory_limit = 2000M
post_max_size = 2000M
file_uploads = On
;upload_tmp_dir = 
upload_max_filesize = 2000M
allow_url_fopen = On

and in http.conf:
Timeout = 30000
MaxKeepAliveRequests = 50000

The result is that the progress bar keeps showing 3/10 of 
the bar, the spinning wheel keeps spinning  and the 
uploading never ends for hours.

Files under 50M are uploaded successfully though. In my php 
code, I direct the uploaded files to a specific folder in 
the server. So, Is the upload_tmp_dir used at all? By the 
way, where is this folder? How can I check whether the 
upload eats sytem memory or not?
This task is so important to me. Please help!!!
Thanks so much.


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