ID:               26286
 Comment by:       peter at helpnet dot com dot au
 Reported By:      igg10 at alu dot ua dot es
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.4
 New Comment:

I get both
Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477
Parent: child process exited with status 1073807364
alternating in a seemingly random order.

Apache 2 2.0.47. I am about to try 2.0.49.
PHP 4.3.4 then 4.3.6. I upgraded to 4.3.6 but it did not solve the

I get the error in code using XML but not MySQL. The error first
occurred when I opened lots of classes and created lots of objects.
Each element in a small XML file became an object which in turn may
include other objects. Some objects are from classes extending

I figured it might be a memory problem so extended memory from 8MB to
18 MB. That did not change anything.

My next guess was a file open resource problem. Some of the objects
read directories to count input files. I removed some of the files to
decrease files within a directory. That did not work. I can understand
that as I have had 100000 or more files in one directory and the script
has worked. My tests are currently using less than 100 files per

I removed some of the directories but that did not stop the problem. I
removed some of the lower level directories and that stopped the
problem for a while. There appears to be a resource issue when working
down through a directory tree several levels.

I added print statements to trace the execution. Adding lots of print
statements made the problem happen faster but on some occasions I have
used many more print statements without this problem.

The print statements did not always print up to where the code stopped
so I added file logging. Opening output files made the problem worse.
That reinforces the idea that there is a resource problem.

I set the log code to open, write to, and close a log file. At first
that worked. As soon as I run xml_parser_free, the file logging stops.
The file log code can write the next message but no more. After that it
can open and write to the file but not close the file.

This error occurs with modpython and some other Apache stuff. I think
we are hitting a resource limit within Apache. Neither PHP nor Apache
has code to detect the problem.

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-19 08:39:10] cpuidle at gmx dot de

Windows error reporting mentions:
szModName: php5ts.dll
offset:    00052dc6

Can provide full memory dump from winXP error reporting on request (12m



[2004-04-19 07:34:56] cpuidle at gmx dot de

Same issue for me, using Apache 2.0.49, PHP5RC1
Seems to be happening in conjunction with MySQL?


[2004-04-09 09:51:28] hagen at xiag dot ch

The same on WindowsXP SP1,
PHP 5RC1 as a module on Apache 2.0.48.


[2004-04-08 20:44:45] colstrom at dxlab dot com

I am running into the same problem, with the following configuration:

Windows XP SP1
Apache 2.0.47
PHP 4.3.4

In an attempt to correct this, I upgraded to the following:

Apache 2.0.49
PHP 4.3.5

And yet the problem persists. As for scripts, I am running a very
heavily hacked phpBB-v2.0.6, and dotProject-v1.0.2. I have tried the
aforementioned fix of turning register_globals ON, and still the error

What am I doing wrong?


[2004-03-23 17:01:19] MSunbeam at gmx dot net

I had that same bug.
apache 2.0.49 php5.0.0rc1  on Win2k
Using SSL 

Listen 443
LoadFile "/server/php/ssleay32.dll"
LoadModule ssl_module modules/

The error eccord when user was request http://localhost:443
(he called normal server on SSL-port)


[Tue Mar 23 23:03:46 2004] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Tue Mar 23 23:03:49 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 592
[Tue Mar 23 23:03:54 2004] [notice] Child 592: Child process is
[Tue Mar 23 23:03:54 2004] [notice] Child 592: Acquired the start
[Tue Mar 23 23:03:54 2004] [notice] Child 592: Starting 250 worker

drwtsn32 error report

Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:
        Anwendung:  (pid=1080)
        Wann: 23.03.2004 @ 23:03:45.902
        Ausnahmenummer: c0000005 (Zugriffsverletzung)

*----> Systeminformationen <----*
        Benutzername: MSun
        Prozessoranzahl: 1
        Prozessortyp: x86 Family 6 Model 3 Stepping 3
        Windows 2000-Version: 5.0
        Aktuelles Build: 2195
        Service Pack: None
        Aktueller Typ: Uniprocessor Free
        Besitzer: MSun

*----> Taskliste <----*
   0 Idle.exe
   8 System.exe
 144 smss.exe
 172 csrss.exe
 192 winlogon.exe
 220 services.exe
 232 lsass.exe
 388 svchost.exe
 416 SPOOLSV.exe
 444 blackd.exe
 460 svchost.exe
 488 nvsvc32.exe
 508 RapApp.exe
 540 regsvc.exe
 572 winmgmt.exe
 768 explorer.exe
 876 4DMAIN.exe
 896 blackice.exe
1076 Apache.exe
1004 IEXPLORE.exe
1080 Apache.exe
2100 IEXPLORE.exe
2120 drwtsn32.exe
   0 _Total.exe

(00400000 - 00405000) .\Apache.pdb
(77F80000 - 77FFF000) 
(6EEC0000 - 6EEE0000) .\libapr.pdb
(77E70000 - 77F33000) 
(77DA0000 - 77DFA000) 
(77D30000 - 77D9F000) 
(74FA0000 - 74FB4000) 
(78000000 - 78046000) 
(74F90000 - 74F98000) 
(74F60000 - 74F73000) 
(77E00000 - 77E65000) 
(77F40000 - 77F7C000) 
(77970000 - 77994000) 
(74FC0000 - 74FC9000) 
(6EE60000 - 6EE89000) .\libaprutil.pdb
(6EE50000 - 6EE59000) .\libapriconv.pdb
(6FF00000 - 6FF42000) .\libhttpd.pdb
(6C920000 - 6C928000) 
(664B0000 - 66504000) 
(77580000 - 777C6000) 
(70BD0000 - 70C35000) 
(71710000 - 71794000) 
(77A40000 - 77B35000) 
(74F40000 - 74F51000) 
(74F80000 - 74F87000) 
(7CA00000 - 7CA22000) 
(77C00000 - 77C5E000) 
(77410000 - 77488000) 
(77400000 - 77410000) 
(6FCF0000 - 6FCF6000) 
(6FCD0000 - 6FCD6000) 
(6FCC0000 - 6FCC6000) 
(6FCB0000 - 6FCB6000) 
(6FCA0000 - 6FCA8000) 
(6FC80000 - 6FC86000) 
(6FE20000 - 6FE26000) 
(6FEA0000 - 6FEA6000) 
(6FE90000 - 6FE96000) 
(6FC40000 - 6FC48000) 
(6FC30000 - 6FC37000) 
(6FC20000 - 6FC27000) 
(6FC10000 - 6FC19000) 
(6FC00000 - 6FC06000) 
(6FE50000 - 6FE57000) 
(10000000 - 10027000) 
(00840000 - 00919000) 
(6FD00000 - 6FD1F000) 
(00920000 - 00C74000) 
(779A0000 - 77A35000) 
(1F7D0000 - 1F804000) 
(76B00000 - 76B3F000) 
(1F8C0000 - 1F8D9000) 
(01190000 - 01199000) 
(013A0000 - 013A8000) 
(013B0000 - 013C0000) 
(013C0000 - 013E7000) 
(77540000 - 77571000) 
(01470000 - 01477000) 
(01480000 - 0148C000) 
(01490000 - 01564000) 
(01570000 - 01577000) 
(01580000 - 0158B000) 
(01590000 - 01665000) 
(01670000 - 01701000) 
(77BD0000 - 77BDF000) 
(01710000 - 0172F000) 
(01730000 - 01736000) 
(01740000 - 018C3000) 
(018D0000 - 018DA000) 
(018E0000 - 0191F000) 
(01940000 - 01949000) 
(01950000 - 01956000) 
(01960000 - 0198A000) 
(01990000 - 019C2000) 
(019D0000 - 019DC000) 
(019E0000 - 01A23000) 
(01A40000 - 01A53000) 
(01A60000 - 01B4A000) 
(01B60000 - 01B67000) 
(750E0000 - 7512F000) 
(75130000 - 75136000) 
(750C0000 - 750CF000) 
(77940000 - 7796A000) 
(01B80000 - 01B8F000) 
(01B90000 - 01C16000) 
(01C20000 - 01C28000) 
(01C30000 - 01C37000) 
(01C40000 - 01C4B000) 
(777F0000 - 7780D000) 
(01C50000 - 01C5A000) 
(01C60000 - 01C66000) 
(01C70000 - 01CA1000) 
(01CB0000 - 01CBC000) 
(01CC0000 - 01CF4000) 
(01D00000 - 01D0A000) 
(01D10000 - 01D2B000) 
(01D30000 - 01D38000) 

Statusabbild für Threadkennung 0x7f0

eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=0602fd32 esi=6fd1550c
eip=6fd09445 esp=0602fde8 ebp=011a7a60 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na
po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000            

Funktion: <nosymbols>
        6fd0942c 83c444           add     esp,0x44
        6fd0942f c3               ret
        6fd09430 680876d16f       push    0x6fd17608
        6fd09435 56               push    esi
        6fd09436 ffd7             call    edi
        6fd09438 83c408           add     esp,0x8
        6fd0943b 85c0             test    eax,eax
        6fd0943d 7533             jnz     6fd0e972
        6fd0943f 55               push    ebp
        6fd09440 e833690000       call    6fd0fd78
ERROR ->6fd09445 8b4844           mov     ecx,[eax+0x44]        
        6fd09448 8d542414         lea     edx,[esp+0x14]        
        6fd0944c 6a42             push    0x42
        6fd0944e 52               push    edx
        6fd0944f 83c048           add     eax,0x48
        6fd09452 51               push    ecx
        6fd09453 50               push    eax
        6fd09454 e8e7580000       call    6fd0ed40
        6fd09459 8b54246c         mov     edx,[esp+0x6c]        
        6fd0945d 83c414           add     esp,0x14
        6fd09460 50               push    eax
        6fd09461 52               push    edx

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
011A7A60 00002000 10024B68 01ECD438 01EC73E0 00000000 !<nosymbols>


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