ID:               26286
 Comment by:       jstaeb at gmx dot net
 Reported By:      igg10 at alu dot ua dot es
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.4
 New Comment:


same problem with 'PHPRojekt', (see also thread there:;)

Using, Testsummary:
Win2000 SP4 DE
apache 2.0.49
PHP 4.3.7 (no mmcache in ini's, no optimizer)
mySQL 4.0.20a

Several Tests with (on & off):
SSL, perl, pyhton and several ini configs, e.g. register_globals=ON &
OFF; MMCache.enabled = 0 & 1
Also as hinted, i copied (php4.3.7!) php4ts.dll, php4ts.lib to

In every combination no positive result.

Only one difference when I used php4ts.dll & lib in the system32
folger. The php-code creates 2 frames. But this only happens when the
files are inside the system32 folder as well. 

best regards

Previous Comments:

[2004-06-09 15:22:10] casuttc at postmail dot ch

I have the same problem with Windows 2000 SP4, Apache 2.0.49,
php5.0.0RC3 when I use a php-Script with OCI8-functions. Please help


[2004-06-05 15:33:26] info at phpsydney dot com

The error moves around. When I add code to pinpoint the error, the
error moves because of the extra code. Here is some code and the
output. The content of the array becomes corrupt. The foreach goes in
to a loop because the array is corrupted after the start of the foreach
loop. In the original code in my script, the array contained objects,
the objects were corrupted, and then Apache blew up with the 3221225477
error. I replaced the objects with strings and the array still became
corrupt, only the symptom changed.

I think the 3221225477 error occurs when PHP's variable space becomes
corrupt and the corruption damages an object.

$attributes = array('name', 'type', 'value');
print('attributes: ');
foreach($attributes as $attribute_key => $attribute_name)
        print('At attribute: ' . $attribute_name . ' attributes: ');

attributes: array(3) { [0]=>  string(4) "name" [1]=>  string(4) "type"
[2]=>  string(5) "value" }
At attribute: name attributes: array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "name" [1]=>
int(0) }
At attribute: 0 attributes: array(2) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(0) }
At attribute: 0 attributes: array(2) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(0) }
At attribute: 0 attributes: array(2) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(0) }
At attribute: 0 attributes: array(2) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(0) }


[2004-06-04 14:40:57] info at phpsydney dot dot dot net

I updated to PHP 4.3.7. Same problem. Have latest Apache 2. I notice
people reporting the same error message for modperl, ldap, imagemagick,
and tomcat on both Apache 1 and Apache 2.

Memory problem? No, I increased from 8 to 200 MB and still same problem
in same time.

I added var_dump everywhere to see what happens to the script
variables. Just before the crash the variables are corrupted as if
references were all broken. vardump shows variables within arrays as
now containing arrays. Entries in arrays get & in front of them which
are not there in earlier vardump.


[2004-05-31 17:00:53] populus117 at hotmail dot com

I discovered something that may have been the problem.
Quite trivial and embbrasing though...

I was testing all the different combinations between Apache 1.3.3,
Apache 2.0.4, PHP 4.3.6 and PHP 5.0.0 RC2, and in the process of
switching between PHP4 and PHP5, I found out that I did not copy the
php5ts.dll to the system32 folder.

I know that in the readme it says that the system searches the PHP
folder as well for this file but once I put that file into system32, it
*appears* to have solved the problem. I haven't seen the bug so far and
hopefully I'm right =D

Conclusion: Stupid mistakes are the hardest to realise and find.


[2004-05-31 14:49:55] populus117 at hotmail dot com

Getting exact same error. I'm using:
Windows 2000 SP4
Apache 2.0.48

I tried to trace the source of the problem but found it difficult, if
not impossible as the error seems to occur randomly. Loading the same
page with the same conditions doesn't seem to consistantly give me the
The best reason I could think of right now is that there are too many
loops in the page (I checked for infinite loops and found none).
The pages that has this happen to it is mainly pages with databse
queries, which takes a while since the database is remotely accessed.
Would be nice if this was looked into and hopefully fixed soon.


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