ID: 29711 User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Status: Open Bug Type: XML related Operating System: ALL PHP Version: 5.0.1 New Comment:
the external link give me the opportunity play with the html charset and make sure that all the readers see exactly what i see. anyway here the details: for the above script, the expact library used on php4, apply to "WINDOWS-1255" encoding as "ISO-8859-1" and do nothing with the chars. but libxml on the another hand, detect the "windows-1255" as known encoding, translate it to hebrew "UTF-8" using iconv for inner use and finally php corrupt it on trying simply to convert it to "ISO-8859-1". To my opinion this behavior is a bug, if we knowing the source encoding, why not convert the UTF-8 back to the source encoding by default, using the internal iconv that was used for the reverse conversion? Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2004-08-17 08:13:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED] the external link give me the opportunity play with the html charset and make sure that all the readers see exactly what i see. anyway here the details: for the above script, the expact library used on php4, apply to "WINDOWS-1255" encoding as "ISO-8859-1" and do nothing with the chars. but libxml on the another hand, detect the "windows-1255" as known encoding, translate it to hebrew "UTF-8" using iconv for inner use and finally php corrupt it on trying simply to convert it to "ISO-8859-1". To my opinion this behavior is a bug, if we knowing the source encoding, why not convert the UTF-8 back to the source encoding by default, using the internal iconv that was used for the reverse conversion? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2004-08-17 08:06:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please fill in the details on this bug system and noy exculsive link to an external site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2004-08-16 20:32:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Description: ------------ here fuul details: Reproduce code: --------------- <? error_reporting(E_ALL); $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1255"?><x>рсту</x>'; $p = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_set_element_handler($p, 'start_elem', 'end_elem'); xml_set_character_data_handler($p, 'cdata'); xml_parse($p,$xml, true); xml_parser_free($p); function start_elem($parser, $tagname, $attributes){} function end_elem($parser, $tagname){} function cdata($parser,$data) { echo $data; } ?> Expected result: ---------------- рсту Actual result: -------------- ???? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at