
It should read:

$i = odbc_connect( "sample", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2" );

Please provide more detailed information on the SQL error and SQL state.
Otherwise it is not really easy to tell, what the problem is.

ManieQ wrote:

>     $i = odbc_connect ("PROTOCOL=TCPIP; SERVERNAME=jajo.tpi.pl;
> SERVICE=50002; DATABASE=SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2" );
> I receive:
> Warning:  SQL error: , SQL state czen¦?ßÿ¿á&L@Polaczen in SQLConnect in
> /home/manieq/web/db21.php on line 5


--- Helmut <NoCarrier> Tessarek --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

              IBM Certified Solution Expert
 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer  (MCP, MCP+I, MCSE)
 Karmarschgasse 53/1/3/11,     A-1100 Vienna,     Austria

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