XML would be perfect for this.  You store the XML in the database (usually a
and your script pulls the XML out, and parses it there.

You can have a set of "input forms" written in PHP which'll generate the XML
for you.

Of course, this assumes some knowledge of XML, but theoretically you could
do it with
a "flat file format" (like comma/tilde delimited) and just store the string
in the database.

It's trivial to write a PHP script that generates PHP directly...

$str = "echo \"hi!\";"; // you can use single-quotes if you're more
comfortable with them
$str .= "echo \"Done!\";"; // note that it's got a ; INSIDE the
string...it's PHP in there, after all....

If you wanted to pre-generate it, I don't see any reason why you couldn't
the code, and INSERT it that way.  Pull it back out, stripslashes() it, and
eval() it.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark McCray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "olinux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "php-db" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] RE: Storing Code in a db?

> Here was the application I was thinking of creating for my organization.
> We wanted to make an online survey tool.  Where you can create a survey,
> with sections, possibly subsections, questions, and acceptable answers.
> It's easy enough to create this stuff each and every time, but it's
> ridiculously tedious.
> So why not make an application that does it automatically.
> So we were thinking that you kind of have to define the different types of
> questions/answers that can be used in the survey. For example, a straight
> text field, multiline text field, 5 radio button selection, 5 option
> pull-down, Yes/No radio button, checkboxes, etc...
> So in defining the types of questions/answers, we thought it might be cool
> to define each type of answer and the code that goes along with generating
> it.  So when defining the survey questions, you tell it that the question
> has a 3 radio button answer, and the system would pull code from the
> database to help generate the question/answer html dynamically when
> goes to the survey.
> I know you could store the functions as includes, but just thought it
> be cool if people could store the code in the database, because there
> just be an answer type that I haven't yet thought to program.
> Marky
> on 7/1/01 2:34 PM, olinux at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > Couldn't you just store the php commands as a txt file and then use a
> > [server side include]?
> >
> > olinux
> >
> >> It would be very convenient to be able to store PHP (or any other
> >> side code) in a database, then retrieve and execute it.
> >>
> >> I store a lot of website content with embedded HTML commands in a
> > database.
> >> Being able to store PHP code in the database as well would be very
> >> convenient.
> > Lets think about something:
> > if we put some code in a field and then we out the of code from code put
> > temporal file and then include in our principal code :)))
> >
> > but i have a doubt eval funcion we work with functions printf,  echo? i
> > don't think so.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> The only way I can think of doing it would involve a lot of very messy
> >> parsing out of the php commands. I expect that would take way to much
> >> processing time. I don't imagine that would work for entire functions
> >> either. Maybe just individual PHP commands.
> >>
> >> Any ideas????
> >>
> >> Thanks! Rita
> >>
> >
> >
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> >
> --
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