you can get a binary for lynx from the web (search for it, can't remember
url off the top of my head :P), install that, then make a quick batch file
such as;

@echo off
cd \lynx\
lynx -source %1

then, when you run this script, you can do something like

scheduled http://yourscript

and it will hit that page with lynx, and grab the source. now, using the
windows scheduled service thing (My Computer | Control Panel | Scheduled
Tasks ) you *should* be able to schedule this batch file to run whenever you
want, with the parameter (webpage) you want it to hit.

OK, i just checked and tested (jeez i'm a nice guy.. :P) and dodgy Windoze
schedule doesn't allow you to do it by the hour, so if you want it every 2
hours, you'll have to set one, daily at 2am, one daily at 4am etc etc, all
doing the same thing.

in the Run: box, you can do something like this (my line exactly)

which will run the batch file, and hit that webpage.

P.S. if you wanted to be really tricky, make the PHP script do some output
*not* in html, so just something like

Backup @ 2001-07-05 12:02:34
Operation Successful

or whatever, then rather than 

lynx -source %1

in the batch file, do something like

lynx -source %1 >> c:\backup_log.txt

which would append the output of the php script continuously to the same



// -----Original Message-----
// From: PHPFAN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
// Sent: Friday, 6 July 2001 10:20 AM
// Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Newbie:Backend scripts
// Hello Beau Lebens,
// Thank you very much for the advice.
// I am using windows 2000/NT.So do you happen to know how to 
// handle it in
// windows?
// Sagil.
// "Beau Lebens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
// > Sagil,
// > the way I do something like this is write a script using 
// PHP that does
// > exactly what you want, without any input or anything like 
// that, then just
// > set up cron to run that script every 2 hours. you can use 
// either lynx to
// hit
// > it as a webpage, or it's an admin script or something that 
// you don't want
// > other people to be able to hit (because it'd be in the 
// web-root) then you
// > can put it outside the documentroot and use the php cgi to run it.
// >
// > if you use lynx, do something like this in your crontab entry (the
// 'timing'
// > might be wrong)
// >
// > * 2,4,6,8,10,12 * * * lynx -source
// > http://yourscript > /dev/null
// >
// > that will just get the source of the page, then pipe it to 
// the 'bin' so to
// > speak, but in doing this, it will perform whatever 
// operations you have
// told
// > it to in the script
// >
// > HTH
// >
// > Beau
// >
// > // -----Original Message-----
// > // From: PHPFAN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
// > // Sent: Friday, 6 July 2001 9:43 AM
// > // Subject: [PHP-DB] Newbie:Backend scripts
// > //
// > //
// > // Hi,
// > //
// > // I am using php4 with mssql backend loaded on windows 2000.
// > //
// > // Here is my problem:
// > //
// > // I want to update my database contents every 2 hours 
// with some sql
// > // statements.
// > // Is there anyway I can write scripts in php and run them
// > // every 2 hours?
// > // Anyother solutions are most welcome.
// > //
// > // Thank You,
// > // Sagil.
// > //
// > //
// > //
// > // --
// > // PHP Database Mailing List (
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// > // For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
// > // To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
// > //
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