
Are you using an ODBC driver or just the unified-ODBC functions?
If a driver, then I suggest changing vendors - that performance is in no way
representative of ODBC in general.
In addition, to improve performance even more when using similar queries,
first use odbc_prepare to prepare a parameter-bound query and then use
odbc_execute to create the result set for specific parameter values.

You may wish to try our Multi-Tier drivers at
Multi-Tier UDA is exceptionally fast and secure, and downloads with a free,
non-expiring 2 user license.
In addition, free support is available at

Please let me know if you require assistance.

Best regards,
Andrew Hill
Director of Technology Evangelism
OpenLink Software
Universal Data Access & Data Integration Technology Providers

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 5:59 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] IBM DB2 on Linux with PHP is very slow
> Hi,
> does someone has a DB2 UDB from IBM working with
> PHP in a production envirement ? How is the performance?
> For a relaunch of our existing production system running
> on IBM DB2 on serveral IBM RS/6000 servers we tested
> the performance of connecting PHP to this database.
> And what can I say: It's very slow. For example:
> A simple SELECT Query giving 100 records as result
> takes about 6 until 10 seconds(!!!) when using PHP.
> In detail: Connecting to Database lasts about 0.01 - 0.05 seconds (so, 10
> ms - 50 ms),
> sending the query (odbc_exec... ) lasts about the same time.
> Then the bottleck: reading each record with odbc_fetch_into lasts
> between 0.02 till sometimes 2 (two seconds!!!).
> Now maybe you guess it's a problem of the DB2? We tested
> the same query on the same server with a simple java-servlet with
> jdbc, and the whole thing (connecting, query, and getting all records)
> lasts about 0.09 till 0.2 seonds!!!!
> So PHP is almost 300% till 500% slower!! I searched all
> newsgroups and I found some people that has/had the same
> problems.
> We couldn't solve that problem by removing the TCP/IP
> Problem of DB2 (setting some value ...mgnr = 1, i don't
> remember it's name :-))).
> No our CEO says, we should code the application in JAVA,
> but that seems a very poor solution for us. So my question:
> Does anybody had similar problems and solved it? Or is
> anybody willing to help us? Maybe we can find some other
> companies/people that also want to connect to DB2 with
> a good performance, and we could improve the DB2 functions
> of PHP or writing our own??
> Or whats with other databases: are there similar problems
> with Oracle??? Oralce would be a great idea, but we
> spent some huge amount on the db2 so maybe it's
> no good idea to put the db2 into the trashcan and buy
> oracle for thousands of dollars. What's with Postgres? Our
> problem is that we must store 10 million records a month,
> and the database shouldn't have a problem with this.
> Thank you for reading this, and maybe someone
> can help,
> Kind regards,
> Christian Szardenings
> --
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