Well, I was able to modify the main configure script and the
configure.m4 script in the ext/oci8 directory to detect 9i, and doing so
allowed the configure process to complete and php to compile.  When I
did a phpinfo() command it showed php as having oracle support, but did
not list anything under the "libraries used" section.  This is the same
thing that would happen if I left the configure scripts unchanged and
just made a symlink to libclntsh.so.9.0.  phpinfo() would still say that
oci8 support was there but would not list any libraries used.  Also in
both of these cases when I tried to use any oracle functions,
(ora_logon, etc) I got an undefined function error.  I don't WANT to use
odbc, but if thats my only choice I guess I'll have to for awhile.


"Thies C. Arntzen" wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 01:17:57PM -0500, Lee Whatley (System
> Admin) wrote:
> > Well I found out that the reason I got the error message was
> > that the
> > --with-oci8 option was looking for libclntsh.so.8.0
> > I made a symlink of this which pointed to the libclntsh.so.9.0 that
> > comes with oracle 9i.  This was enough to fool the configure script and
> > allowed php to compile, but none of the oracle functions worked.  I
> > guess we will just have to wait until the developers add support in.
> > Could you please give me some more information as to how you set up the
> > oracle odbc drivers?
>     i haven't managed to install 9i so far - if you could write a
>     patch that detects 9i correctly on your system we'll gladly
>     apply it!
>     but _why_ do you want to use the oracle-odbc stuff?
>     tc
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