This is really off-topic for this list, but...

 From my understanding of sessions, you really don't want session_start() 
in an if{} block. Every time you hit this script, it will have no memory 
of any session variables until you call session_start().


On Tuesday, October 30, 2001, at 02:30  PM, Matthew Tedder wrote:

> <?php
> /*
> Hi,
>     I'm new to PHP and am having trouble understanding how to use PHP
> sessions.  My book tells in near the beginning how to start them and 
> register
> session variables, but I can't figure out how to destroy a session or 
> later
> read those session variables.  I'm also trying to do this across 
> frames, but
> can't even get it to work within a single page.
> Here's what I've learned so far and what my problems are:
> */
> /* To start a session */
> session_start();
> /* To register a session variable */
> session_register("myvar");
> $myvar = "some value";
> /*
> PROBLEM #1:  From the above commands, I get a $PHPSESSID that seems to 
> be
> globally available for use, but I cannot seem to read my values back 
> out of
> the registered session variable from anywhere...  I tried:
> */
> print "$myvar\n";   /* and absolutely nothing is printed */
> /* To destroy a session */
> session_destroy();
> /*
> PROBLEM #2:  This says there is no session to destroy.  It's rather 
> strange
> because I can still print the $PHPSESSID value..
> I've attached my code...
> */
> ?>
>  --
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